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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Well, I'm surprised. That's actually not ridiculous, like I assumed it would be. Potentially far better than corn ethanol, interesting. Whatever it is, it's likely encrypted with something that's too strong to easily break. It's not a common hash type, at any rate. Anyways, there's a good end-of-summer sale on the Humble store right now, lots of good discounts.
  2. So here's a question, why don't we make ethanol out of grass? Tons of people already grow it, (some take care of it better than their own car), and then throw away all of their clippings. You could offer a free grass clipping removal service, and I'm sure tons of people would happily give you their clippings. You'd take some of the pressure off of corn prices too. Plus, it comes with it's own built-in marketing shtick. You could call it... grassoline. (No, I'm not actually serious, I just wanted to make that joke.)
  3. So here's a thing. It's free.
  4. Ahem. "First DX12 gaming benchmark shows R9 290X going toe-to-toe with a GTX 980 Ti." *Ars Technica Link* :psyexplode: *double post because I can't edit for whatever reason* Granted, this might have been unoptimized drivers on Nvidia's part, (although, to be fair, when was the last time AMD had better drivers than Nvidia?) but still, the performance jump for AMD is interes-ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN *triple post* Woah, the forums merge consecutive posts now? That's snazzy.
  5. Okay, here's something interesting, if I click on my notification I got from Melfice commenting on my status, and then click on the "see all status updates by TheBytemaster" link, I can get to my profile page without any errors. It's when I try to click on the Activity Feed tab that it errors out. So the problem is likely in there. (The "About Me" tab works fine too.)
  6. Technically, it's not a requirement, but with an Nvidia card, I can get apparently get something like 20-30% more oomph out of the limited bandwidth with their Optimus compression. If AMD had something similar, I'd get a 380 in a heartbeat. But yeah, at some point in the future, I'll probably end up building a desktop and slapping that in it. I can re-use 3/4 of the parts that will go into the eGPU in a desktop, and I can probably sell the last one for a reasonable amount. I think what I'll do is wait and see if I can get in on that Microcenter $230 GTX 980 crazyness if they do it again; failing that, I'll try and grab a 970 on a good sale come cyber monday. Or a 960 if there's a really good sale. Related: An amazingly perfect non-space jam remix for once.
  7. Question time. GTX 960 Vs. GTX 970 with the following constraints. Expected resolution for now is 1600x900, 1080p in the future. Assume a 20% hit in overall performance. (Because reasons.) The card will probably end up in an entirely new desktop rig in the future. I could stretch my budget and get a 970 if I reeeeally needed to, but if it's not going to do much good, I'd rather not. Any opinions?
  8. You get points both for being honest and making me laugh.
  9. http://kotaku.com/twitch-goes-too-far-tries-to-play-dark-souls-1723996517 Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets now please.
  10. How long of a timelapse does that video span? Wait, your video will embed, but mine won't? INJUSTICE I SAY.
  11. Ahem. <rant> Personally, the reason I detest "spying" and such is not because I'm particularly worried about the specific entities, for example, MS, NSA, Google, Etc, (Although I do wonder about the NSA sometimes), themselves doing anything bad to me with the data. Like you said, I'm not that important. It's because that data should not exist in the large databases and for the amounts of time that it does. If it exists on a computer, it's steal-able, and thus exploitable, potentially on a massive scale. Imagine what would/could happen if a malicious nation-state or even just some punk kid in <insert politically correct scapegoat nation here> got ahold of even a fragment of the phone metadata database. Or got into XKeyscore. Or found a list of every app, (and, by extension a list of vulnerabilities), installed on a few millions of peoples' phones. Or whatever other ubiquitous database/system that seems harmless at first but turns out to be devastating when you use it the right way. I'm not going to pretend that I somehow live without a smartphone, credit card, the internet, etc. But I'm not going to do nothing and be the low-hanging fruit either. </rant> Anyways, with all the fallout 4 hype, I'm surprised no-one posted this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viYfD2v1uVk Huh, it won't embed. Bizarre.
  12. I decided to give it a go a while ago when I learned how easy they made it to revert. So far it's not *amazing*, but it's not terrible either. The dongle I bought to use with wireless Xbox 360 controllers doesn't work currently, but I suspect a driver re-install will fix that. If you don't like the data collection that MS is doing, in addition to tuning all the privacy-related settings, you can add these entries to your hosts file to curb it. (The file is found in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Remember to remove the read-only attribute before you try to edit it.) And yes, these will probably break Cortana, but if you were going to go as far as editing your hosts file, you probably weren't going to use her anyways. I haven't had any issues after adding these, but your milage may vary, I am not responsable, blah blah blah, etc. EDIT: This hidden dark theme tweak is also nice, makes it a little easier on the eyes.
  13. I AM ERROR. Yeah, I've been getting that for a while on mine. I wonder if this is for the same reason the old KJ thread got killed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheBytemaster


      Wait, you can email bees? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

    3. Melfice


      Yeah. Just download them, put them in an email as an attachment.
      Hilarity ensues.

      You might even create a downloaded bee handgrenade. Just put them on a flashdrive, and chuck it in a room.

    4. TheBytemaster


      With great power comes great responsibilibees.
  15. Even if I were to do that, I'd have to download a drawing tablet too, and I don't have near enough data left to do that after I finished downloading my car.
  16. Would it be possible to make a pencil airbrush brush? (Jokes aside, the pencil one does look rather nice. If I had manga studio 5 I'd try it.)
  17. (Account deletion isn't really a thing here, at least as far as I know.) (forgive me, soupa-san)
  18. Whatever he has, it probably borrows extra memory from the main RAM, like my old 256, (Or was it 128?), megabyte laptop graphics chip did. Granted, it's a lot slower, but it works. Kind of like disk vRAM caching.
  19. Because facebook doesn't already have that anyways. Of course, they now have a phone number, and can use that to find lots of data anyways if they feel like it. (This is a large part of why all those store "rewards cards" require you to give them your email and phone number, it lets you and their advertising partners identify you easily.) I guess you could use a burner phone or for things like that if you wanted to go to extremes. (At least, assuming your mom is after data privacy instead of just not wanting her friends on facebook to see that she votes on "So You Think You Can Dance".) EDIT: Apparently adding a 700mhz overclock to my 810mhz card is officially too much. (Instant system hang.) ~+500mhz is stable, but has heat issues. Regardless, I don't think I'm going to bother with laptop gpu overclocking any more, not worth the potential wear-and-tear long-term. But hey, at least I had some fun and didn't break anything. Has anyone else here ever done any overclocking?
  20. Hey nerds, come hang out and watch me fry my GPU while I try and find out how far I can push it. (I found a new tool to use.) http://www.twitch.tv/thebytemaster EDIT: Nevermind, the way I had OBS set up, it was eating over half my cpu. I'll have to try again some other time with a more efficient method.
  21. Yeah, looking around, I think I'll wait at least two months or so. I was going to get some... unorthodox... hardware in the near-ish future, I really need to make sure it works with 10. Also, this is fun. You should install this on people's computers. They will love you. EDIT: So, my old core2duo laptop is sitting around unloved and unused. Would anyone care for a KJ Terraria server? EDIT AGAIN: So apparently my new laptop's GPU, being one of the Quadro models, is amusingly good at overclocking. (For a laptop, at least). Bumped the core clock from 810mhz to 1055, (and by extension, the shader clock from 1620 to 2110) with no real increase in heat output from stock, (It stays at around 70 C under load). The (un-overclocked) cpu is still hotter than it, hitting 75-ish C at some points. The only reason I haven't already pushed it higher is that MSI afterburner won't let me. I'm probably not going to use it very much, if ever, but it's still fun to know that it works.
  22. Anyone here planning on updating to windows 10 right away? Personally, I'll be on vacation again for a week right after it launches, so I know I'll be waiting at least that long. Probably longer. Unless there's some killer feature or great performance gains that I haven't heard about, I just don't see any reason good enough to justify moving from 7. Thoughts?
  23. Oh yeah, you guys just reminded me that I have a quill-and-ink set lying around somewhere. I should probably get around to actually using that sometime. Hawaii has great weather, but I just feel like the islands and culture, (or maybe it was just the one I was on), have been absolutely gutted by tourism. It felt... fake, kind of like a lower-key vegas. And I've been to a few very tourist-ey places before.
  24. ​That may have been for the pun. Although now I am tempted to try to make a pack containing every kind of log ever.
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