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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. I'd like to take this moment to recognize that codecademy is a beautiful thing.

  2. Another classic.
  3. As it so happens, I'm actually just a really lucky incarnation of cleverbot that roams the internet.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyIBj3ecX9g Huh. It's not embedding properly.
  5. Everything and nothing. Motion and stillness, all in the ever-filling void of life. Why do we live this way?

  6. I'm pretty sure this was a bad idea.

  7. Accoustic folk-style touhou. Eheyeah.
  8. Fun fact, if you introduce yourself by giving everyone fancy swiss chocolates, you will make more friends.

    1. Mooseman9


      Those aren't friends, they just want more chocolate!

    2. Soupa


      What are you talking about I'm totally their friend.

    3. Lethosos


      Pssh, tell me more, Byte! (and give me more, while we're at it!)

  9. I see your men without hats and raise you two men with helmets.
  10. In space, no-one can hear you fart. Unless you fart into a mic. In which case, ew.

    1. Dentcat


      I take it you know from personal experience?

  11. Partially because the DJ is down for maintaince right now. So... uh. Yeah. Done with an NES.
  12. As pointed out above, adding details and texture/color variation to buildings can help a ton. Try this: Build ONE good building. Just ONE. This should be a unique building. This should be the masterpiece building. Now clone the heck out of it and put it everywhere. Now look at the mess. Look around and take note of what works and what doesn't. Tear all of them down but one and go from there. (At least this works for me.)
  13. That's a marked improvement, for sure. Let me know if you want to play a game later.
  14. I'll be around for a while today if anyone wants to play. EDIT: And most all day tomorrow. IE: 8/8
  15. The cake is a slight exaggeration.

    1. Kalbintion


      No, its a lie.

    2. Dentcat


      The cake is only a lie if it is a full sized cake, right? Thus, a cupcake is legit, isn't it?

  16. You heard them, crap, shut up! *outhouse becomes silent*
  17. You know you're in for a rough time when you try to go to speedtest.net and it takes 20 seconds to load.

    1. Kalbintion


      Just wait for the ping!

  18. That was fun. Holy, turns out the game I played with you was really unfair, I spawned where you were against Planetguy and got totally whooped. That spawn is terrible.
  19. *harddisk explodes into whirlwind of screams and fragmented metal* Tasty.
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