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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Someone insignificant to someone so significant.

  2. Donkey-ing great justice, for punches!

    1. Lethosos


      Unfortunately, that makes you look like an ass.


    2. TheBytemaster


      Well played. ( ̄ー ̄)//””

  3. Okay, you made me laugh there. But dang, if it's drama he wants, he could have just said he was working on a project to make a Dwarf Fortress/KSP version of Better Than Wolves, would have been a lot easier and funnier.
  4. Would Dwarf Fortress count on this list?
  5. Sealed for freshness.

    1. Richs_Yard


      -breaks seal to smell-
      -puts back on shelf-

    2. TheBytemaster


      *explodes, breaking shelf*

  6. You can never leave this place. Never.

  7. Uwaaaa.... shots. (╯_╰”)

    1. TheBytemaster


      Found out afterwards that one of the four shots was an accidental duplicate. ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

  8. Like nailing jelly to a tree.

    1. Richs_Yard


      can confirm its like "nailing jelly to a tree"

  9. Come on and slam. And welcome to Japan.

    1. holymage!


      who needs drugs when you got japan

  10. Perhaps he has one of those four-dimensional passwords.
  11. What have you done. My free time. It bleeds.
  12. Let's all go to funkytown.
  13. And ultimately a futile one, as the mods can see and undo such. Streisand effect and all that likely following.
  14. Why would you be someone you're not?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melfice


      Because you try to hide your insecurities and self-perceived flaws.

    3. TheBytemaster


      Because I'm actually a spambot.

    4. Sabakugaara8


      I'm myself on the internet, yet it's odd that it's much easier to be myself on the internet more than in real life.

  15. *signing up for internet thing* "What's your first name?" "Uh... Roy" "Last name?" *Poker face* "...Mustang"

  16. Courtesy of one gameboy, have some touhou. This song has been stuck in my head for seven hours straight. Enjoy. baka
  17. So your life has basically become this? https://imgur.com/gallery/iIm1Sp1

    1. dwwojcik



      It is super fast

  18. Kitten exploitation? Certainly a more agreeable business model than a lot of companies have this day.
  19. Ghost pepper flakes + Ramen noodles *exhales flaming piller of death*

    1. Lethosos


      I feel sorry for you. here, have some Endorphin Rush. It'll make you... feel better.


    2. TheBytemaster


      What did you say?*breathes flames in your general direction*

  20. You're totally welcome, I've run into similar issues before. (You might want to edit the signiture out of your post though, kind of a rule here.)
  21. I just rolled my eyes SO HARD that I even managed to nail a 7-10 split in the process.

  22. Try using the windows 64-bit installer from here: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp Don't go too crazy giving minecraft all that RAM though. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but Java essentially barfs if you give it too much ram. I'd stick with around 2-3 GB depending on the pack.
  23. Oh, one other tip, if you do decide to go after a particular look or design from something, don't get frustrated when it doesn't turn out exactly like what you imagined. You'll never get anywhere trying to perfectly replicate things in minecraft. Just go with the flow and see what you can make out of what happens.
  24. I don't know why, but this oldie has always been one of my favorites. Eh.
  25. I'd like to take this moment... OH WAIT I ALREADY DID.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheBytemaster



    3. dwwojcik
    4. Doomzzday01


      Someone call the time police. (Not a DW reference.)

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