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Darren Jones

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Everything posted by Darren Jones

  1. @chilller6 gotta update to 0.5.2 As well as the new modpack http://tinyurl.com/aw5dzne
  2. 1. click the link http://tinyurl.com/aw5dzne 2. open your browsers download folder. if you have firefox you do this by ctrl+j 3. open the zip that says modpackv1. You will need 7zip, winzip, or winrar for this. If you dont, google that shit. 4. open up your start menu, assuming you have windows. If not, i have no clue. 5. type run, start run. in run type in %appdata%. hit enter. 6. open the folder that says techniclauncher 7. open the folder that says tekkitlite. 8. bring the modsv1 back up. 9. click and drag those 3 folders in there to the tekkitlite window that you opened in step 7. 10. it will ask you to merge. say yes. start tekkitlite. play
  3. put the new link only. The new one has all the mods that you need in it. Like i stated. If it doesnt download the. Just go to the link, download the zip and put those folders into your tekkit lite folder.
  4. New Mods Added. Backpack, BWG3, BigTrees, And Millenaire. Updated pack here. http://tinyurl.com/d62ohh4 If the launcher doesnt download it, ill remind you again. Turn off your firewall and any antivirus program you have on. That includes Windows Defender. Also run the launcher as administrator. If it still does not work. You can try 2 things. 1. Download my modpack and upload it to your mediafire, then put that link in your launcher. 2. Download my modpack and place those folders into the appropriate spots in your tekkit lite.
  5. http://tinyurl.com/aknbnj9 Also make sure you are using this one
  6. the link should work, make sure you turn off your anivirus and firewall.
  7. hm not sure kelten, it may be an issue with the mac version.
  8. yes, think you very much
  9. http://tinyurl.com/aknbnj9 Try this one, seems the old link broke or something
  10. Did you put http://tinyurl.com/bodnanb into the custom zip spot Also make sure you turn off your firewall and antivirus windows defender too
  11. This is a plea for help from anyone who has that mod installed or ever did. I need the config file. It doesnt have to be edited to work with tekkit or tekkitlite or anything else. I just need the one that has all blocks and ids. I cant get it to work on my server because of block id issues obviously. But since it wont work, it wont generate a proper config file. So i cannot edit the block ids. And i cant seem to find a download for it anywhere?
  12. Try clearing your cache and redoing it. Teh link has also changed. Its now http://tinyurl.com/bodnanb
  13. Also you need to download the modpack. Instructions are on the first post
  14. Make sure you dont have a firewall up, and turn off your antivirus. I know windows defender was interfereing with mine.
  15. Update: We have begun editing the modpack. If you wish to suggest a mod that you would like to see, please post the mods name, a link[if possible], and a brief description of what the mod adds. Current Mods Added: AtmosMobs. How To Get The Modpack: 1. Start your launcher 2. Open the options menu 3. Paste the modpack link into the CustomZip slot. (http://tinyurl.com/aknbnj9) 4. Copy with ctrl+c and paste with ctrl+v. If you try and right click, it will not work. 5. Clear your cache. 6. Login. You Are Done If it doesnt work, then you may need to turn your firewall off, turn off any antivirus program, such as windows defender, and run the launcher as administrator.
  16. Well yep, it was windows defender. However, i am currently having the issue of people on my server being complete idiots. No offense. They cant comprehend how to do anything it seems.
  17. I think i may have figured it out. I had windows defender on, when i turned that off it seems to have worked. Although im not entirely sure. Gonna do another test.
  18. Still having the issue of nothing happening. A buddy of mine made his own modpack and uploaded to mediafire. When he cleared his cache the modpack installed. He had the new mods, which was just mo creatures. I put the link that he used, the exact link. Still stayed at 0% and skipped over it like nothing was there. Ive tried taking down my firewalls, shutting off my antivirus, running in administrator. Nothing works. This is my last plea or help. After this im done.
  19. Not true, the video clearly shows dropbox working for him. And my friend has got it to work from mediafire. It seems this works for some people, but not others. And the lack of anyone having a solution sucks bad. Also the lack of the devs replying to these posts.
  20. Ive tried pretty much everything i can think of, im having the same issue. And i have copied the direct link. This is really starting to annoy me. I mean, i appreciate technic actually "attempting" to do this. And i say attempt, because its obvious its still buggy and not working for everyone. But im bout to give up hope.
  21. Tbh i dont think anyone really knows how to do this. I keep having the issue of nothing happening. I put the link in and my launcher justs sits there at 0% custom zip extracting. Then it just starts no problem, but theres also no mods. Ive ran some tests and it works for other people. Just not me
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