ozoomaroo Naito
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Everything posted by ozoomaroo Naito
Creeper man we got a problem i join the sever and ever 30 seconds i get a Internal exception:java.net.socketexception:connection reset not sure what it is but i know it isnt me and its your sever becuse i do get it once or twice a day but not every 30 seconds on any sever i tryed other severs and it didnt do it you can contact me Via skype @ christian.centers picture is a dude wearing a tye dye T-shirt
|Your Username:| ozoomaroo |Your reason for joining the server:| Looking for a fun server with no griefing. |Are you experienced in Tekkit:|yes i know some things about tekkit but there are also things i dont becuse i am not sure how to set things up like a neuclear reactor. |Will you follow the rules:|YES i will follow the rules/.
IGN:ozoomaroo Real Name: if accepted will give on sever Time Zone:(Gmt-05:00) eastern time ( us & canada) Something about yourself:I am a great person but if made mad im not so nice i am willing to help if i can i play tekkit but theres somethings i dont know how to do in tekkit. What language you speak (I am truly sorry, but if you do not speak English, you could have google translate in another window?):i speak english What do you want to do on this server (Everyone should have a shop)well i would want to make a home first than if i get going good than ill make a shop and sellthings Do you have a Youtube Channel:ozoomaroo naito If so, will you be willing to film?: No becuse my pc isnt that good and i only get 5 Fps and my Mic Sucks if i had a good pc i would be more than happy i will also if need be particpate in video recordings if asked
Ill join two if you will have me Im 17 i Know some things about tekkit but there are some im still learning about ! i love to play on this sever sence its such a small group I hate big severs becuse theres so many people. I am a Very good person and i am willing to help if needed I play tekkit often im currently on a sever now but the people Are very ignoreful and they ignore you And its very laggy i mean on a scale from 1-10 its a 11 my in game name is ozoomaroo it would be a honor if you would have me on your sever i also would make youtube videos for it but my pc isnt cappable of runing more than 6 Fps while recording videos and even if it was i couldnt get the program i use to record other peoples voices. I never been banned for anything the only Banned items ive ever made was to make a swift wolfs rending gate ring and i made 2 valcanic amulets and i didnt know they where banned i would love to be on your sever and i hope i get accepted.
Application Form | | Your Game NickName= ozoomaroo | Age= 17| | Reason why do you want to join this server?= I want a sever where i can play with friends or new people And have everything unlocked I do not tolerate grefers i hate them so dont worry about me greifing | Experinced in tekkit?Yes or No= Yes i know about equvilante exchange the beginer mechines items And some other things | Do you swear that you will follow the rules?= Yes |
Minecraft Username:ozoomaroo Time Zone: eastern time Reason for Applying: im looking for a SMall private sever! Do you plan on staying: I've been looking for a dedicated server awhile, so yes. Opinion on Explosions:im looking for a SMall private sever! Are you a nice person: Yes. unless someone did something to me Over all i am i dont get mad for no reason
My father does web design as a side job if you are in need of a site look me up *prices my vary*
1- In-game Name : ozoomaroo 2- Experience in Minecraft : 3 or 4 years 3- Experience in Tekkit : 1 year 4- What you wish to see in the server : A fun learning experieance 5- Have you read the rules? : yes 6- Do you have skype? - Yes : What is it? christian.centers - No : Too bad 7- What is the secret word? ; Maniumox
In Game Name: ozoomaroo Age: 17 time zone:(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time Tell us why you would like to play on our server: Even though i was being rude i apolgize for it i am actually really meture for my age i was just haveing a bad day that day I want to join a small comunity of tekkit gammers that wont Blow up my house for the fun of it or steal crap from me Previously Banned from a Server: none Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): yes Amount Played (If Yes): about 2 or 4 months
I agree that there are servers that dont have age restirctions but you also need to take in to the fact of the people that are meture for there age like me so saying everyone under 20 isnt aloud on the sever is kinda offensive to me im 16 17 in may and im not wild like other teenagers im actually quite calm and non wild its hard to find a small sever and desent one at that thats what brought me to your server but whats the point in makeing a aplcation if you dont accept people under the age of 20
IGN:ozoomaroo Age:16 Project you plan to build: not sure yet Minecraft experience:almost 3 years Tekkit experience:3-5 weeks ( just got it working a while back) Why you want to join the server: It looks like fun and there are tons on projects going on and i would like to help out or start my own with people