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Everything posted by WaterWorksGuy

  1. Dude take a huge chill pill. First have you tried resetting the pack inside the Launcher Pack Options. If so in the options folder [open] the folder where Tekkit is stored, it should be a folder called TekkitMain. Delete this folder and restart the Technic Launcher. Once you restart go into the pack settings and pick the latest installation release. If this doesn't work I would suggest you look at your system and do the normal routine of check your Java installations. Sometimes an update can be the fix to simple problems. Sorry I can't offer a direct solution, since computers are each their own little monsters, different systems require different fixes.
  2. I'm going to sort through my worlds and see if I can find my Infinite Loop Hydrogen Generators. If I find it I will post some screens.
  3. You just gave me an idea. I'm going to see if I can go high into the minecraft atomsphere and make a low orbit weapons platform. "Thanks"
  4. Survival Island Tested in Voltz Minecraft Version 1.4.7 Seed: 77001873 Settings: Large Biome, The others don't seem to change the map any. Main Island Main Island has a cave that bottoms out to lave near bedrock. Another island was spotted at these cordinates. +207 +671 Hope is works for you guys, I love these seeds.
  5. Yeah I was checking out all the new content, also the YTGamers site. I remember back in 06' when you were lucky if you could make it on youtube just doing gaming videos. It was just kind of a niche thing back then. I can't believe the way its exploded in the last couple of years. I love going on youtube and watching guys like you and others and what they capture, create, post.
  6. Loved on episode 37 when you just randomly put TNT on the Reactor as you where closing out your video. I also appreciated the Optifine Tutorial. Keep up the good work man.
  7. Looks like I'm gonna need a bigger wrench to handle this. Nice work man.
  8. And on the 2nd day of the internet they said "Let there be a search bar" "For those that come after us will surely need it" No pun intended on your part man. Check this out- http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/%E2%98%85-new-voltz-tutorials-%E2%98%85-a-comprehensive-guide-new-update-how-to-set-up-bukkit-server-teleporter.36089/ Tactical Lion has been making leaps and strides providing some top notch quality guides. I hope this helps.
  9. Touché Though instead of a bazillion tracks, mine just simple walks. XD
  10. A couple over the years. Nintendo. Paper Boy - Super Mario Bros Sega Gen. Jungle Strike - NFL Football 94 PS1. Nascar 98 - Final Fantasy 7 "Best RPG Ever" - Driver PS2. Smugglers Run 2 - 4x4 Evo - Metal Gear Solid 3 Sega Dreamcast. Crazy Taxi - NFL 2k1 PC. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 - Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun - Alpha Centauri There is way more then that but these brought my grades down and left me sleepless the most. I still turned out all right though, so it was definitely worth it. Though I wonder now, if I ever have Children if they will have the same experience I did. I mean blowing on Sega Gen. Cartridges till you were blue in the face, just to play 8 solid hours, then the screen to glitch, and have to reset and do it all over again was a right of passage. Oh and no memory cards. Your progress only got saved if your cartridge had internal memory. And those were few and far between. Best time of my life. Wouldn't trade it for nothing......
  11. The Rocket Launcher with Conventional Missile will hit the Ender Dragon. I've tested it a couple of times. Nukes will too but there not that efficient considering that The End is not as large as the Normal Minecraft Map. Now as far as some of the things I would like to see, without mentioning any other mod names. Railgun Artillery- Capable of Splash Damage with very little Collateral Block Damage "Like a long range shotgun" More Railroad Assets- "Steam, Diesel, Electric Trains" that kind of thing. More here from another mod- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1587267-146sspsmplanforgetraincraft-formerly-trains-zeppelin-mod/ As mentioned before some type of mining equipment that uses UE API would be cool too. Here's my choice for Electric Mining Equipment. XD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Muskie I used to stop down and watch this thing in the coal strip pits when I was younger.
  12. If your talking about the Centrifuge I experienced a similar problem. Though considering how young this Pack is I'm happy with the Dev's speedy updates. There's alot of promise here. I hope they keep up the work and keep squashing those bugs.
  13. Hey, sounds awesome. I was working on an automated Coal/Coke/Creosote Plant and kept running into Infinite Liquid Loops. Mainly with the Liquid Loaders/Unloaders. Might be that Railcraft and Fluidmechanics need more time to become fully compatible. Or I may be taking to many steps in transporting the fluids. But I'm looking forward to the video. I might learn a thing or two.
  14. Little advice don't ever bump your own threads. This isn't a chan site. XD I'm just getting back into Voltz after I did a week on a Tekkit Server. I can see if I can confirm your issue for you by loading up a couple of my worlds. In the meantime you could always post a Bug Report in the Offical Section: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/voltz-bug-board.69/ If it does end up being your Voltz Installation I would refer to this thread to reintall the Technic Laucher for a clean build: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/duplicate.37249/#post-308823 Hope that helps.
  15. Just wait for the whole pack to update. Thats what I do. Otherwise it would get complicated keep each one up to date. That and each time the Entire mod updates it ensures stability between all the packs.
  16. Can't wait to see it. I plan to use it to give me some ideas about a Uranium Enrichment Facility I'm Planning.
  17. "Trololo" Pink Floyd's The Wall blairing on Pandora while I'm building a Bunker.

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  18. Well I'm glad you got that worked out man. Again, Best of luck And hope to see your server on the recommended list some time.
  19. Most would let your post rot to the bottom of the forum. But I would like to maybe help you out in your pursuit for justice. 1. Making bold claims on a forum is the easiest way these days to be labeled a Troll. "Why no one flamed you to death is beyond me." 2. If you do decided to make bold claims do it in a way that brings credibility, maybe with some emails, chat logs, and screenshots. 3. Have you posted your server here http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/voltz-servers.71/ Using these guidelines http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/notice-server-posting-guidelines-updated-21-1-13.36699/ If you did post your server and its decent like you say, let the great players of Voltz and the Server catch the attention of the Calvalvia and Cammy. "Not flaming you, not schooling you, just offering some advice." Best of luck,
  20. Check this thread and see if it helps. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/duplicate.37249/#post-308823
  21. There you go buddy, following now. Glad to get the wrench back in your hand. XD Not to say I know everything, but if I can help I'm always happy if I have the time.
  22. Okay, The first thing you need to do is locate the Technic Installation Folder. C:\Users\"Name"\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher "Name" <----- Being what you username is on your PC. Once you locate this folder look in it for the Voltz folder. C:\Users\"Name"\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\voltz Once inside of here you want to locate the Saves Folder. C:\Users\"Name"\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\voltz\saves Look in it for your World Save. Copy the folder with your World Save Name to your desktop. "Copy/Paste" This will preserve your world when we delete the Technic Folder. Now go to C:\Users\"Name"\AppData\Roaming Here you see several folders. "Your looking for the one that says ".techniclauncher" At this point if you have copied your world to your desktop for safe keeping, it should be safe to delete the ".techniclauncher" folder. Once you delete this and send it to your recycle bin, I would take an additional step and may sure you empty your recycle bin. "That way its just plain gone, not bugging us later" Now once again download the Technic Launcher as if your downloading it for the first time. Before we restore your world back to the game. Make sure you run Voltz and see if you have fixed your problem. "If not keep searching and know that your world is safe <--Unless there is a major game breaking update." If you have fixed your problems please use the above steps to locate your save folder and Copy and Paste your World Save Folder back to the Saves folder. "Let me know if this helps."
  23. If by opening you mean that your not making it from from the Technic Launcher to Voltz Minecraft? I suggest, going into the Technic Launcher options and Clearing Cache. Then start voltz. That way it re-downloads the Voltz Modpack. """""Don't Re-download Technic Launcher""""" <------ You might lose your save. Little hiccups like what you describe can be caused by packet loss from the download server to your pc. Or it could be The Kraken. "Who really knows" Myself personally, I'm running the latest dev build 1.0.11|1.4.7 See if that helps, if it don't, post again. "I will then help you back up your world, and re-download Technic Launcher" "Then Re-Install your world" Best of luck,
  24. Yeah, I was doing some reading and I not sure if its fully implemented yet or not. But I know the Steam Funnel in Atomic Science is supposed to be able to send Steam to the Turbine in Railcraft. I've tried it a dozens ways and can't seem to get it to work. If you got any thoughts, it may make a good video.
  25. Love the tutorials. They are greatly appreciated while the Wiki is being developed. Thanks again.
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