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About megatiger78

  • Birthday 03/29/2001

megatiger78's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. IGN: megatiger78 Skype name: I don't have one (not a problem right? age:13 why I want to join: want to join a friendly server where I can mess with people and build a mars base that I mine from in a mech. what mods I think I will focus on: glacticraft and titans.
  2. username-megatiger78. youtube?-I am a you tuber. youtube chaneel-megatiger78 rules
  3. INDUSTRIAL WAR IS BACKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I think it was meteror........ but there was glass.....
  5. why cant I install the pack? the URL is missing
  6. they just A: don't open or B: Open in vanilla no chashes, only similarity was they both had the mob talker mod in them
  7. they don't. HELP!
  8. so I was wondering if someone could make a modpack with the following mods: mob talker mod cute models mod orespawn mod Minecraft comes alive sex mod icbm flans mod all adons for it all custom scripts for mob talker and make a server of it? (I don't mod, I just play, Im not good at this stuff) so could anyone?)
  9. some mod packs don't work for me they wont download I can remember two: 1:http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/the-hot-girls-top.170470 2:http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/hot-girls-top.169570
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