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Everything posted by Sev

  1. I'd contribute to that. EDIT: I'll get the new download and test some bugs out Second EDIT: I cannot download the pack for some odd reason. Help anyone? Also this is the new beta pack, the download in which is placed on page 54, or this page.
  2. It's gonna be a bit before I can play, Internet is on the fritz
  3. Why I want to be whitelisted: Seems like a relatively cool server, and I like teh theme
  4. Oh DANG IT! The forums went insane. I had apped and I don't think you guys got it. I am rather angry atm
  5. IGN: SeventhOmega Tekkit Experience: I know how to use almost every mod, save ComputerCraft. I do use it for turtles though and cobble gens Mods: All. Why you should be whitelisted:.. I want to play, I guess? Previous Bans: Only ones are random for literally no reason with no explanation ones.
  6. I have read and seen you like Pepsi more than Coke. Brethren..

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sev


      Ha! I drink the fluids flowing from the great waterfall of Aleekmuur this moment, the grand water is of taste unbeknownst of to all men

    3. lukeb28


      You drink your own piss?

    4. Sev


      No I have a private waterfall spewing forth from my wall. Sigh.

  7. Being serious, there is this lady I know who microwaved her license. She said there was a tracker chip. She did some other stuff, just can't think of it atm.
  8. There is one, MFFS reactor forcefield, I think?
  9. I heard pink slime is acually a mind control eradicator. It cannot sustain itself if you are currently digesting it.
  10. Is EE2 enabled? A guy might be using Evertide amulets. Ask your players. I believe you can wire up DM pedestals to a timer, so you could setup a machine that'd detect rain and instantly stop it. IMO any ingame solution is better that plugins.
  11. Uh, who? And sorry, I didn't notice the age. I'll start checking.
  12. Feed your Technical Beast Addiction is a more appropriate name, I think. I'm attempting to do the same as you, starting in just a bit. Wish me luck and if I can get it I will send you the download, yeah?
  13. That's it, I have to rant and such. Bit off topic, but my opinion here: I'm sick of people saying Technic isn't legal and such, I mean come on! It's a series of mods that simply makes it easier for you to use them. Not the devs saying "WE OWN THESE MODS". Making Gregtech not work with Tekkit is PURE idiotic, I mean, you're patching a mod, and therefore stopping the player from playing. If you want them to play FTB or whatever, then ask Slowpoke to add a custom modpack feature. I doubt it'll be as good as the Technic Launcher one. Most of the mods makers I think are okay, seem alright to me, but the reason that FTB is considered superior is the mass support. For example; Docm and Generikb both have stated that FTB is the "legal" version of Tekkit. So not only does Slowpoke have most mod-makers on his side, he's actually got a great deal of Youtubers doing things with it. Tekkit, I think, was just a binding of the best mods. Not a war. It'll settle down after a while but, still. Not all modmakers are against Technic, though? Am I correct in my assumption? At least Pahimar, to my knowledge isn't against it. I am just overall sick of this fight. (I love how the words look on these forums. Amazing! AMAZING!)
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