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About Casstor

  • Birthday 09/13/1987

Casstor's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Place a chest next to the assembler Place the crafting pipe on the CHEST, Place a satelite pipe on the ASSEMBLER Set the mats to go to the satelite pipe Set the crafting pipe output to chipset wanted. Set the assembler to craft the chipset.
  2. Considering thoes are the last in the list, you have seen the slider in the side right ?
  3. Had it not been that i was in the same situation a few weeks ago, i wouldn't have known either ;-)
  4. Also, having both a ItemSink, Extractor and QuickSort module in one Chassi is a bit wasted. First of, both the QuickSort and Extractor is "extracting" from the chest, the Extractor extracts EVERYTHING, while the QuickSort extracts only what have a space in your system, you only need one. If the chest is your default chest i would sugest the QuickSort and ItemSink (Default), if its a dumpchest you only need the Extractor. If its adefault chest, i would also sugest adding a Provider Module, then it acts as both default chest with a module sorting stuff you add after, and a provider for stuff you dont have a place for yet.
  5. Pindapower: considering there are 16 colors, you can make 4096 DIFFERENT Enderchests
  6. Michael101: I dont know if the video is yours or someone elses, but could you describe how you would setup the pipes to the barrels. I have been trying to make a setup with barrels. First i hoped to make a setup with 2 rows of barrels, with a Chassi MK2 between the 2 rows, with a Itemsink and Provider module in, a provider pipe under the lower barrel row, and a Chassi MK1 with a Itemsink above the upper. But i cant seam to get the MK2 to use the upper row for providing, it list the items in the lower row (making the items appear 2x). So atm im running with 2 MK1 between the barrels with a Provider in the upper and a itemsink in the lower, but i really want the setup with only 1 pipe between the barrels. (Tryed the setup Slot Zero proposed, but that dosent sema to work either)
  7. There are allready a metric-ton of post about this, its a bug with the current version of IC2 in Tekkit, its graphical only, the machines still functions as when placed. You can manual update IC2 (both server and client), or wait for a Tekkit update.
  8. Raising the value of items, fine. 4 Irons for 1 Pearl is low Making the value different dependend on direction, hell no. The name of the mod is "Equivalent Exchange" for a reason, not only is 4 iron => 1 Pearl, but 4 iron <=> 1 Pearl, the exchange is equivalent. I aggre that creating infinit EMC from macerating bone meal isnt fair, but thats not realy a proplem with EE, its a problem with IC2 and TE
  9. Its a well known problem, there is allready a ton of posts about it. Even thoe they face the wrong way, they will still work as when placed.
  10. You keep overwriting your previous target, so it will allways show only the last target. Change your code to something like mon.clear() mon.setScale() x = 0 for ... mon.setCursorPos(1,x+1) -print name- mon.setCursorPos(1,x+2) -print HP- mon.setCursorPos(1,x+3) -print line- x = x+3 end
  11. Its a variable, he can call it pretty much what he want. Have you tryed what #4 sugested, and changed the .print(...)'s to .write(...) ??
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