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Everything posted by Stubbypickle205

  1. Pack URL: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/ohgamings-rise-of-the-samurai Technic Link: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/ohgamings-rise-of-the-samurai.250460 IP Address: ohgaming.org:25568 (its already on the list for you) PvP - No Raid - Towny - Economy A great banner flutters gently in the morning breeze. There were no symbols upon its face ,only five words written in black,"Rule the empire by force". The emperor calls for a reunification of all Japan. With hundreds of clans spread across the lands, a great battle awaits. Will you die a honorable death or use diplomacy to become supreme Shogun of Japan. What ever destiny you choose there will be much death and deception. Will you choose to profit as a Ninja assassin or Rise As A Samurai. Installing this modpack is simple! 1) Open your technic launcher. 2) Select add new modpack. (It's a plus sign (avatar) on the left side of the launcher) 3) When the menu appears paste this in the modpack URL: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/ohgamings-rise-of-the-samurai 4) You will then see the pack on your launcher, select it, click play! The server is conveniently already in your multiplayer list for you. Damage Indicators Better Storage Biomes O' Plenty Bleach Mod Camo Lights Chisel Enchanting Plus Glowstone Wire Haunted Hopper Ducts Inventory Tweaks More Swords Mod NEI Player Heads Redstone Paste Ropes Plus Secret Rooms Soup Mod Sushi Craft Tailor Mod Ninja Mod Tubes Zan Minimap We're a large community that is continuously growing. If you would like to check out one of our other modpacks here's a list below. Just click on the pack name below to be directed to the modpack page for your selection. * Organized Crime - In this modpack you're a criminal and your goal is to become the strongest. You'll be selling drugs for money, buying guns to stock pile, and growing your criminal empire. * Wild West - Enjoy the times of the old wild west! You can become a raiding cowboy in this pack centered around PvP. Come join the fun! * Pixelmon - In this pack you'll enjoy the fun of playing pokemon on minecraft. Fight to get all the badges and save them up for a chance to battle the server owner for the last badge. This server is non-pvp and is super fun.
  2. Server growing and looking for more members. Come join the fun. All pokemon available and spawn rates balanced perfectly.
  3. Server Rules = No Spamming, Advertising, Hacking, or Exploiting Server IP = mc.ohgaming.net:25583
  4. Soon will have cowbows roaming the streets. <Sorry for all the double posts... my browser went whacky!>
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