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Everything posted by Stubbypickle205

  1. We've also changed some Helicopter damage output. Some prep has been done to corrected Helicopters going outside world border & being lost.
  2. We've unbanned more of Thaumcraft 4 Added /kits for players Added additional items for sale in spawn. Removed some OP items which were also bypassing spawn protections.
  3. Added some /kits for players. Updated vote rewards for everyone. Changed some Pixelmon PvP experience gains.
  4. New warping system has been added to exit the prison. Prison exit cost reduced to $200 /kits added for players * Soon going to add more guns for everyone
  5. We've added some new /kits for players. Classic spawn has been rebuilt & a new hotel also added for brand new players.
  6. Working on adding some new vote rewards through a virtual shop. This will allow voters to get a special rank among other things.
  7. We've made changes to improve the economy system and create a more balanced market.
  8. We've made a few changes to Thaumcraft to add more balance. Also we're still looking into unbanning a few focuses. Enchanting Plus was removed due to a dupe glitch.
  9. Classic version will soon have a spawn remake. This will not effect your playtime however, anyone owning a shop should remove anything they don't want to lose. Once the new spawn is created you'll be able to reclaim a shop plot and get back to selling. Thanks!
  10. Server Name: Voltz Conflict Server IP: s3.ohgaming.org:25570 Voltz Version: 2.0.4 Website: http://ohgaming.org What makes our Voltz different? We're patched! Our server doesn't have any dupe bugs! We use Towny. A far superior system to factions. We provide player shops in spawn. These are protected from grief. Raiders can make money selling excess loot they've acquired. Got raided? With a little IGM you can buy yourself some base starter items. Basic Rules No Advertising No Spamming No Exploiting No Hacks... duh!
  11. We've been additional upgrades to the economy system and recently made some performance tweaks. Also: More missiles for sale. Corrected a /vote issue Update client configs to correct a keybind issue.
  12. Map was reset recently. This modpack has been changed a lot and is 1000% better. New Features Dual Wielding PvP Shields Small Boats Pirate Islands Coin based economy Flintlock Weapons Cannons and much more!
  13. This servers community is growing nicely and we're looking for more members. If you enjoy farming & great people this is the place for you.
  14. We're looking for additional staff for this server. If you're interested first become a player & learn the ins and outs of the pack. Then visit our forums FAQ for additional info.
  15. We've had MAJOR improvements in server uptime & crash prevention. Come try us out and experience the difference.
  16. We've unfortunately had to ban them due to players bypassing protections and placing them in the middle of the streets.
  17. New Voting reward system has been added that allows people to get special items via Tokens.
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