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Everything posted by Daemon_Eleuel

  1. Another thing I found out. To relocate your inventory to DSU's (attaching a storage bus will not move what you already have in the drives, just move items there EVENTUALLY) you can remove the disks from the ME drive and re-add them via a ME IO. As a rule of thumb remember that the ME network will put the items where most of them are. I found this out as I had about 2 million of cobblestone in the drives and they were not going in the DSU. Since most of the stuff was in drives the AE kept putting more cobble there. Moving that much using an export bus would've taken ages so I tried the IO and it worked (it just takes a few minutes to unload a 64k disk).
  2. Delete the tekkit folder. In the latest update AE got updated from r9 to r12, you still have the old version probably. If you delete the tekkit folder (save your SSP worlds) and restart the tekkit launcher it will download the correct files. Please also check you have the "download latest recommended version" set in the tekkit launcher, you may be using one of the previous ones if it's set that way.
  3. Sidenote about the import from quarries: You can just attach a ME interface (not a BUS) to a pipe/tesseract/whatever and it will act as a buffer for all incoming items. I have 4 quarryplus attached to a single interface and I never lost anything (it has about 8 slots available and it drops items in the ME fast enough to keep up). All sides act as inputs so it's pretty neat :)
  4. Heyo. Downloading to past? Where are you putting the files? They should go in the mods folder if forge-compatible. I think Thaumcraft, Forestry and Mo' Creatures work, never tried the others but first thing you should check you're using the correct 1.5.2 version. Add one mod at the time and start a SSP to see if it works, if it doesn't copy-paste the forge logs and ask for help (or google for the stack trace).
  5. That really depends on the mod. Anyway if your need just to empty an area you can use the filler or a quarry :| It is rather easy to add mods that are forge-compatible, I don't really know if the one you want is :|
  6. you can't download the latest galacticraft as it's for 1.6.2 and if I am correct tekkit is still on 1.5.2 Latest galacticraft working version for tekkit is: Galacticraft-1.5.2-a0.1.36.410.jar (see http://www.micdoodle8.com/mods/galacticraft/downloads/old) The server is not starting from some other reason probably, also, I don't understand if you're loading a previous map or creating a new one, what you mean with "can't server"?
  7. http://imgur.com/a/IZ1xB#0 Time to share mine I guess It's a 5x flood type fusion reactor. Using about 500 liquid managers to hold the steam (enough buffer for a single cell run) and still working on the turbines. Energy is stored in a REC cluster of another 500 RECS. Still wondering how to control the input of cells. I think I should use computer craft (sending a redstone signal to the reactor when the liquiducts are empty) but I still have to figure that out :)
  8. Yeah, that's why I use a ME interface :| If you just place it near a tesseract it gets everything (if you right click on it you can see the items coming). Actually I had 4 quarries pumping in that tesseract and I am sure it got everything (the ME interface has about 8 slots or something for items).
  9. See: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/launched-upside-down-mac-w-lwjgl-fix.43689/
  10. Mmmm, that looks unnecessarily complicated. Why did you use the chests and a second ME controller? P.S. You don't need a bus to get things from tesseracts, a ME interface works perfectly. I use that both for tesseracts and machines.
  11. For atomic bombs adding ICBM proved to be rather easy for me :)
  12. ah, my bad sorry what is it that you can't replicate right now? I have yet to find something I can't automate :|
  13. that's rather strange. anything in the forge logs/console?
  14. mmmm, honestly I am perfectly fine trading off industrialcraft for AE+MFR. Setting the input/output sides is just awesomesauce and AE allows you much more freedom. Also, the ME allows you to "order" stuff and you can just pick it up with the wireless as it's done. Honestly I would compare IC to year 1800 industry and AE/MFR/Atomic science to year 2000+
  15. I think you can use a wrench to remove it without breaking it.
  16. End-Game solution I use is: Multiple crucible/transposer pairs, each dedicated to keeping a stock of a particular item. What I have now is 512 redstone conduits 64 unattuned tesseracts 64 redstone energy cells On top of that a ME interface connected to a Magma transposer with the pattern for other particular things I may need (can't think of any right now :|) You will need 1 for glowstone, one for redstone and one for ender pearls.
  17. Ok, I am planning my reactor right now and I already had a test up yesterday, but I'd like to get some answers to doubts I have here considering it is the most informative thread about it I have found. The idea is a pretty big flood type fusion reactors. My question is: How far does flood plasma expand? And how many buckets of steam are produced by each heated water block are produced per tick? Let me explain my doubts. I fear the liquiducts will be a bottleneck in the extraction of the steam and I want to make sure the whole area is flooded properly so the distance between the seeds should be as much as possible. At the same time I don't want to leave too much space. At the moment the general design is this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Apov5LEiNDQsdGxwYUFLTlR5eUZpM3VXMUtvU0I2aEE&single=true&gid=0&output=html It is just a general idea for now and most probably I'll put the reactors on different axis to maximize efficiency, I was just wondering if someone had a diagram showing the plasma expansion field.
  18. I fear that if I keep 2 billions I'll end up making a giant pony just to use it. Anyway I set up stuff using a condenser, a level emitter, an ME export bus and a dark cable. When the emitter detects too much of something it'll link the export that'll throw stuff in the condenser And I said no pipes in my first post.
  19. Or the item magnet in your powersuit? Might want to turn that off (press K for keybindings) Or you can have an awesome eggshield.
  20. Hello Everyone, I did my homework but couldn't find any reliable source. What are the config settings available for tesseracts in thermal expansion? I am looking into increasing the power transfer since I can make more tesseracts to send more power, but it would just "bloat" things and I don't like the idea. I think the configuration I want to change is: transport.teleport.energy.maxTransfer but I am not sure as I can't find a reference. The config file I have doesn't even HAVE this setting :| Anyone knows of any documentation?
  21. a floodlight has a 64 blocks range (adjustable in the config). It takes only a few minutes to melt ice, I had 10 I used to light up the base before using the lights from the powersuit so I just used those.
  22. Found a better way. Glacial precipitator -> Ice -> Filler And then you melt the ice with a floodlight.
  23. I do plan to keep 2 millions, the problem is I am starting to have more.
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