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Everything posted by Haskar

  1. There is a "mini mod" with the name forbidden menu. It allows you to have command blocks, dragon eggs and giant spawn eggs as well.
  2. Another mod, in addition to the dynamic elevators, is Chainz. It also adds spikes, slingshots and a choking string thing. Dynamic elevators is fantastic, but if you want a medieval elevator, go for chainz. Seriously.
  3. Haskar

    Zipline mod???

    Ah, I'm giving up. I'll delete this post once i figure out how
  4. While you have your hands full, I'll try to make my pack(s) ten more times. Thank you for the guide, Luke!!
  5. So, how long does this keller last? You've had it for a while now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. lukeb28


      Did you nuke it?

    3. Richs_Yard


      Nuke the modpack?

    4. lukeb28


      Reset it. The update was a total overhaul.

  6. Lukeb28 makes custom modpacks if you have tried, and he made a guide too.
  7. BTW, I would like a copy of your finished pack, theofficialM477? Sorry for double posting, how do I delete comments?
  8. Chapter One Once there was a magical horse who lived with a fish.His name was Reaver McHasselhoffen. His fishy roommate went by the name of Grumpy Basselton.They both liked butts. They loved their butts so much that one of them decided never to sit on it again! So, they swapped out their cars for segways, and used those to get around. Now there was a kid named Billy the bully, and he did not like the fact they used segways. His hate for segways came from a childhood accident involving a giant marshmallow and a Segway he got for his 5th birthday, which was too hilariousgruesome to be explained in detail.So on their way to a brothel on their segways billy set up a devious plan. He mad a hole two men deep and covered it with leaves on the sidewalk where he knew they would go. He got bored and fell asleep. When he woke up, he forgot about the trap and fell into it. He died later that day of dysentery. The distinct smell of dysentery-induced death violated their nostrils and they couldn't help but retch down the deadly well as they looked down into it. Chapter Two Once upon a land hippo called Jesse Unoflop, there was a spider.It lived in a rather large pineapple. The pineapple was not under the sea, but was in fact on the continent of Australia, which is a continent on the land hippo called Jesse Unoflop.Sadly, Jesse died a couple of thousand years ago, due to being a land hippo and the sea being poisonous to him.Unoflop did not like the spider, so he hatched an evil plot! Sadly, Unoflop died before he could execute his plot, and it was left abandoned somewhere in Australia. The spider lived out the rest of his days in Australia, lamenting his lonely life and the fact nothing in Chapter Two of the book he was reading made sense.So instead, the spider threw the book into the fireplace, took a bottle of pineapple wine from the cupboard and watched a show on the divinghelmet tv. Chapter Three The shapeshifters alliance then realised what a pain in the ass chickens are and decided to eat them all. However, the princess of shapeshifters didn't get the memo, and shapeshifted into a chicken just as a chicken-eater mob came round the corner. The chicken eating mob then chased the princess for three days in a constant circle all the while the princess yelled: "Stop! I'm really just a fish!" Just as the chicken eaters caught the princess, they all fell over from intense dizziness caused by running around in a circle for three days, squashing the poor princess into goo and angering the almighty poultry god. "clucKC CLckU cllCKU" said the poultry god, which translates into "666 to ya'll motherfuckers down there thinkin you can mess with my homeboys." Upon saying this, the poultry god hoisted its mighty prosterior over the realm of the shape-shifters and unleashed a blinding storm of shit on them. Then the magical unicorn sorcerer of Ace Hobo s came and blasted the poultry god with cake. The cake being what it is, suddenly vanished before it reached its feathery target giving the poultry the chance to start peaking at Ace's face down to the bone! However, Ace Hobo predicted this would happen and used substitute just before the poultry god started attacking! Ace Hobo is suddenly evolving into...
  9. 1. Check out PLatform Pagoda 2. There will be a thread named Custom Modpacks, make sure it is made by Lukeb28 3. Request this in the required format ;)
  10. Not fond of the amount of guns in ferrullo and flan's, the weapons from ferrullo's crafting dead mod works for me. Oh, and voltz + rival rebels would be epic confused why there are no guns, too.
  11. This could be very helpful some day, but my main problem is modding in general. I do everything it says in the installation guide, and it NEVER works. I've tried: -Forge -Gulliver mod -Modloader -Spawner GUI
  12. Zipline mod is out of date, the creator ditched it(trying to restart it myself ). Luke, changed my mind: abort my project, working on a BIG modpack.
  13. Could somebody speak like we don't know how to use buildcraft????
  14. Haskar

    Zipline mod???

    Need an updated version of binarydoodlers zipline mod. He left the mod unfinished in 1.7.3 and has been gone in two years. Could anyone help? And no, ropes+ is NOT better. Here is a version for 1.2.5: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1246490-125-port-of-the-zipline-mod/
  15. This is in the mod section because Mojang would never accept this :P
  16. Sounds good to me Crafting bench, I mean
  17. Wow, that was quick. Should we have a dying machine powered by water? No sleep tonight, it seems :P
  18. Hi I have been thinking. (I think much) When the fireworks were introduced, they HAD to be made with crafting tables So I thought: why not use anvils instead? My ideas Firework: firework stars can be combined with dye, gunpowder and special effects. Then it must be combined W with a rocket. For fading colors, add dye to the rocket, not the star Armor: leather armor can be dyed in anvils EDIT: dying in anvils seems unnatural. This feature will be taken away :/ Mob spawners(creative only): mob spawner+spawn egg/entity/potion. Iron blocks, dragon eggs, snow blocks, nether stars and Wither skulls for other mobs and bosses. Fireworks are available, too. Spawn eggs: mobs can get positive potion effects/give players negative effects. Spider egg and skelly egg can create jockey egg, which are compatible with spawners Potions: combining two potions will give multiple potion effects. Combining with weapons and armor gives: weapons=negative, armor=positive Heads: type in playername to change head to this persons head. Bedrock + potion of invicibility = invisible bedrock More ideas to come? What do you think? Please comment :D
  19. http://www.minecraftdls.com/zipline-mod/ Hope this is more useful Go to the installation part of the site Thank you Luke ;)
  20. You are awesome for making custom modpacks! If you don't give up the project, can I suggest more packs? You rock!!!!!!! :D

  21. A cool thing would be like, camouflage module which makes the armor AND you transparent, like a sneak attack feature that activates when you sneak (name should disappear too) and I would like a plasma sword in 3D put on it The coding is probably difficult, but if i could do magic tricks I would implement this. Once again, great work!!!
  22. Good job mate! This is one of my favorite mods; the only reason for playing voltz!!!! But could you give us an expansion so you can craft and recharge powersuits without IC2? I hate these adanced mods and want them as simple as possible! Thank you ;)
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