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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. And spiders. Don't forget those. The only enemy in Minecraft that's truly unique to Minecraft is also its signature enemy - the Creeper. Even Endermen are based on something external. Yes, if they put more completely unique enemies in, I would be thrilled.
  2. It doesn't work?! Why didn't you say so before now? Whatever shall we do?! Hint: We need more info.
  3. Install the .NET Framework, versions 2 and 3.5 at least. Then get rid of AVG - the thing's practically useless, and it likes to interfere with the launcher's operation.
  4. 1) http://www.technicpack.net/forums/threads/nei-common-problems-and-fixes.2206/ 2) Use 7zip to unpack the contents of the OptiFine zip into your modpack.jar (bin folder for the mod pack you're using). I suggest Standard.
  5. We'll need the exact contents of the batch file, and where it's located then, please.
  6. There's no log if the launcher hasn't run. OP: Do you have a firewall active, other than Norton? Those can cause similar problems.
  7. Get a new launcher. Yours is ancient.
  8. This bug report - it's like calling the auto mechanic and telling him your car goes clank, and asking for a diagnosis over the phone. It's not going to happen.
  9. There's a bit of your form you didn't fill out...hmmm. Maybe that's the cause?
  10. There are 2 likely causes: 1) You didn't fix your NEI not to display monster spawners. Read the NEI Common Problems thread before continuing. 2) Your version of OptiFine is not performing like it should be. You will want to consider using a different version.
  11. Have you downloaded a new launcher lately? I'd try that next. The launcher has received at least one update to deal with the new version of Minecraft, even though there was no launcher version number change.
  12. 1) Get rid of all forms of Java 6. 2) Install Java 7, 64-bit of course. 3) Disable Norton, at least for the first install of a particular mod pack, but also for any updates that you might allow. 4) If the error continues, make sure all Java processes are stopped (in Task Manager) before trying to run the launcher again.
  13. If you're not going to be playing Technic, why not just use your Technic mod pack and start modifying it to suit? You can simply delete a majority of the mods, as long as you make sure to get their core and auxiliary components, for RedPower for example. Just don't update. Otherwise, just modify your copy of Minecraft, and ignore the Technic side of things altogether. There's no really good reason to use the launcher if you're not going to be playing a mod pack at all, to be honest.
  14. People like to use the various forms of basalt for decoration...lose?
  15. Now if only everyone were so self-reliant. The Bug Boards would be a lot emptier, I'll tell you that much.
  16. Or under them, in the lava path. That's always hilarious.
  17. You're looking for the one that says COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS.
  18. It basically is. Not too many people come here to discuss vanilla MC, for obvious reasons, so that one section pretty much covers it all.
  19. You are downloading the .jar or the .exe launcher? If the .exe, it should run just like a normal program. If the .jar, your Java is probably not installed correctly. Which one is it, and what browser are you using to download it?
  20. Torezu

    Mod Issue

    "I saw an update i didn't know what it was i downloaded it" Do you see the problem here?
  21. It's huge, yes. Huge problem. Huuuuge.
  22. Disable Norton long enough to install whatever mod pack you want to play. I would assume Tekkit, since that's the version number you gave.
  23. The most recent one would seem to be the logical answer to this. That'd be launcher_0.
  24. Stop bumping your post - it hasn't been very long. You can't ask a question because you haven't answered one yet. You have to develop a tiny bit of reputation. That's what the Bug Boards are for. This isn't the right one for your question. Anyway, you need to be more descriptive of the problem. I'm going to lock this thread, and you can go post a bug report in the Tekkit Bug Board, where you should have been, with a bit more detail, and hopefully a launcher log, and maybe even a server log. These are things we need to troubleshoot with.
  25. People keep asking me this...it's like they don't read the stickies or something...
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