Hi! I'm that guy from the 1.1.2 thread with the performance issues. I tried removing all the new mods, then I tried removing MFR, then I tried removing Chicken Chunks, and finally I tried removing NEI and NEI plugins. Still stuck at a very rough 24 fps. What else should I try?
I took out MFFS, Simple Power Storage, Logistics Pipes, and Open Peripherals. FPS went up by about 5, averaging at 30 or so. The game really didn't run any smoother. I have to go now, but I'll test more tomorrow.
Thanks. =)
Well, I have been testing Tekkit 1.1.2, and my fps dropped to about 20, from around 45 with 1.0.6.
I tried increasing my RAM allocation from 1gb to 2, and checking the 'Increase PermGen' box. No change.
Can anybody suggest anything?