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Everything posted by dwwojcik

  1. Hi! I'm that guy from the 1.1.2 thread with the performance issues. I tried removing all the new mods, then I tried removing MFR, then I tried removing Chicken Chunks, and finally I tried removing NEI and NEI plugins. Still stuck at a very rough 24 fps. What else should I try?
  2. I took out MFFS, Simple Power Storage, Logistics Pipes, and Open Peripherals. FPS went up by about 5, averaging at 30 or so. The game really didn't run any smoother. I have to go now, but I'll test more tomorrow. Thanks. =)
  3. No spoilers?!? Oops. Nope, FPS are the same.
  4. Ok, this is the first 300 lines. If you need more I'll just upload the file to dropbox. (The whole thing is over 4000 lines!)
  5. Well, I have been testing Tekkit 1.1.2, and my fps dropped to about 20, from around 45 with 1.0.6. I tried increasing my RAM allocation from 1gb to 2, and checking the 'Increase PermGen' box. No change. Can anybody suggest anything?
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