IGN*: MullinsFam2000
Reason for wanting to join*: Looing for a fun, but no drama Hexxit online server. Have been enjoying Hexxit in SP and looking to make it a better expeirence.
If a furry, what's your fursona?: Have none, never done the furry thing but I have nothing against people who do. I have frequently viewed and commented on many Cosplay posts on reddit however.
Do you fully understand and agree to the rules?*: Yes, they aren't too complicated, rules understood.
Tell me a little bit about yourself: I'm a 37 yr old unemployed father of 4, sometimes my two middle sons ( 12,10) play on my account also, but I supervise them when they do so I hope that wouldn't be an issue. My wife is active duty Air Force as a medic. I live in Florida. Hope this is sufficient, and look forward to playing Hexxit with you all, hopefully. Cheers!