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Shawn Mullins

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Everything posted by Shawn Mullins

  1. double post, plz remove this one
  2. Atomic Science - I can not get the control rod to cool my fission reactor down anymore like it used to. Themometer goes off, sends signal to sticky piston, it pushes the control rod up next to the reactor, but it continues to heat up until meltdown. 1.2.4 removed all my atomic science stuff as I guess it changed IDs. I spawned in everything I lost and reconstructed exactly as I had it but won't work correctly now. Making a test world to see if more control rods are needed now or something. EDIT: Okay, built a replica setup on test world. Can confirm one control rod no longer cools the fission reactor no matter which side it is placed on. However using 2 or 3 control rods DOES cool the reactor. Strange change but I guess that is more like the real deal, they don't only have have one control rod.
  3. I hope that is not the case because i use Sphax and it makes the server look AMAZING! here are links to the pack and patch i use http://bdcraft.net/download-bdcraft-texturepacks i use the 128x for 1.5.2 http://bdcraft.net/community/pbdc-patches-rel-packs/hexxit-wip-t598.html and this is a WIP patch but it works fine. Also side note to Coffee. I think you maybe should consider banning the Cloak of Distortion, I can see how it could be used to grief inside grief protected areas with chest transporters. Nick had a chest vanish on him from inside his house, and also I saw him use the cloak to TP inside my house. Not that I don't trust Nick, but the cloak could be used by others with not as high of morals for nefarious purposes.
  4. AVOID THIS SERVER! My son (12 yr) was playing on it for about 2 weeks for 5-6 hours a day. He understands how to use the grief protection and everything. He had a fully built home very well north ( maybe 8000-9000 blocks ) of the spawn area to avoid encountering other players. He had amassed several sets of hexxit armor and many chests loaded with gems and other valuables. Today he logged on to discover someone entered into his grief protected area and removed all his chests, leaving his armor and furnaces only. When he asked an admin about it they only told him to go to their website and file a complaint. Today the top post on that website is a complaint about Zilicon abusing his admin powers and trolling players. Zilicon is the head admin there so little or nothing will be done. So like I said before.... AVOID THIS SERVER!
  5. alright will do that. Also, thank you Coffe_Nutz for that chest shop you had set up, I bought 12 hexical essence from it. Gonna come in handy now that I lost all my normal gear and chocobo to a creeper on the way home after clearing two battletowers.
  6. Not sure if this is the best place to respond, but I like playing on the server. However it is frequently down. I have a enjin account and check the page there, but I don't see any forums on that page. Is there a place where we can see what times the server should be up and whatnot and/or to let the owner/admins know the server is down? Btw, thanks for a great server
  7. IGN: MullinsFam2000 Why: Played SP Hexxit till I got Tribal Armor set, but it seems either too easy and/or too boring with no one to play with. Looking for a friendly community of players I can join up with at times and share some fun.
  8. IGN*: MullinsFam2000 Reason for wanting to join*: Looing for a fun, but no drama Hexxit online server. Have been enjoying Hexxit in SP and looking to make it a better expeirence. If a furry, what's your fursona?: Have none, never done the furry thing but I have nothing against people who do. I have frequently viewed and commented on many Cosplay posts on reddit however. Do you fully understand and agree to the rules?*: Yes, they aren't too complicated, rules understood. Tell me a little bit about yourself: I'm a 37 yr old unemployed father of 4, sometimes my two middle sons ( 12,10) play on my account also, but I supervise them when they do so I hope that wouldn't be an issue. My wife is active duty Air Force as a medic. I live in Florida. Hope this is sufficient, and look forward to playing Hexxit with you all, hopefully. Cheers!
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