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Everything posted by David_Wolfe

  1. Wow, another reason not to buy apple.
  2. Hah, I love how people are bitching about the 'meteor gear' exploit, while a simple glitch that nobody ever takes my word on can give me 9000+ levels in less than a minute. Oh well, admins can be douches any time of the week as long as they reserve the power to ban people for telling the truth, right? Disenchanting won't come back for 1.5.2, I can tell you that much.
  3. A simple google search shows me this is a problem in a lot of mod packed servers due to some kind of syncing glitch. What are you falling from, are there any vines, ladders or ropes in the area or is there water where you land? Do you have any of these items in your inventory: Armour with feather falling Golden Feather Earth Amulet Or are you holding a: Electric staff ?
  4. ... are you... guys... really serious about this? I mean, really. There's something like google and a search function. This modpack has the TREECAPITATOR mod, this allows you to knock over trees by breaking one block. It says in the readme and on the forum and probably somewhere in the modpack list of hexxit that it will slow down chopping down trees depending on how big the tree is. It specifically instructs that you can disable this in the configuration file so that it knocks over trees easily. If you're questioning why nobody replied in about half a month, that's why.
  5. I wish people used the search function. In the launcher, go to the top right and press the little gear icon. Check 'Increased permgen' and set your memory to anything between 2 to 5 (I'd recommend 3)
  6. OpenAL is something of a sound hardware 'emulator', it adds some funny code that does some stuff left and right to make sound 'more real' in a sense, bouncing off walls and sound filters etc. If some sound driver is bumping into it consistently, it'll crash, mostly ending in a blue screen on my end. I simply installed my own OpenAL as it's commonly available in a quick installer (takes about 2 seconds) for both 32 and 64 bit OS'. As to LWGJL, I kinda made a typo on that. The poster noted that they have the latest version of Java, however they don't, they have an old beta 7 version and not the latest 0_25. Simply attempt to delete all instances of Java, 6, 7, whatever, then redownload the latest version (, restart. If this doesn't help, I've heard people downloading the Java SDK set introduces some fixes for them, but I keep forgetting how to do it, however that is what prevented my minecraft from crashing on my 'server' top.
  7. .... I imagine a hardcore survival server based on purely teamwork and making expeditions with small groups and posting it on youtube daily. That'd be amazing.
  8. I just ran into a huge line of gravel poking out from the surface, about 2 blocks wide and infinitely long, yet not tall at all. Strange, maybe something with world generation? Is this -your- server we're talking about? Maybe someone voxelsniped/mceditted it in?
  9. David_Wolfe


    Have you tried using the search function on the forum? This problem has been reported about 50 times already. Open the link manually and unblock the webpage, or disable your anti virus when installing hexxit.
  10. Doesn't the Linux version come with the launcher? If singleplayer, in the launcher, tap the top right gear and increase your memory and check permgen If Multiplayer, for the server, create an executable file/command line (bat/bash) with the following ' -Xmx3G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xincgc -jar Hexxit.jar ' No clue how to do that perfectly for Linux, but you could always boot the server through the Terminal, cd to your minecraft server's directory and then using the previous in conjunction with java, like so cd Your_Server_Folder java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xincgc -jar Hexxit.jar nogui
  11. Well, I've been attempting to recreate this problem on my 'troubleshoot world' with 9x5 meteor shields and a ton of skyblocks and particle generating effects (eg altar of light) and aside from a relatively high FPS drop, after 2 hours, nothing has happened. Must be multiplayer exclusive. Maybe it's depended on the OS as well. I noticed your NVidia drivers are hopelessly out of date, is that the latest for the MAC OS? Did you try simply reïnstalling Hexxit completely? (After making world backups of course)
  12. Derp, of course. Well, I suppose reïnstalling the server and then trying again hasn't resolved anything, huh? There's been earlier reports of EPlus crashing clients and servers with this specific problem (116 = missing enchantment table) I hope that the hexxit team figures out what's going on, they don't seem to be very active in the bug report forum themselves. You could be able to remove Eplus, but there will be a desync between server and client which will most likely kick people trying to enchant their weapons, so I'd recommend not to. Could you tell me how you installed the server specifically?
  13. It seems that everyone having problems with hexxit/optifine is using a variant of the ATI Mobility Radeon. Anyway, you might want to just chuck it all together and go for a clean install, starting the game and setting it up at least once and then installing optifine.
  14. Well, I suppose you could try to uninstall every instance of java, reïnstall the latest Java 7, then restart?
  15. Hexxit has these tiny little things that just make me enjoy coming back to it... like, for example, blowing up a pirate frigate. Making a few moderations to the portholes and the cannons, like so and connecting some explosives left and right like so and then setting a timed switch using the repeaters, really just does it for me. And the fact that the tools make it so much easier is just amazing. If only I had taken the time to fill the obsidian with more TNT... So what's your favourite thing to do in Hexxit?
  16. Well, if it doesn't crash anymore, then it should be fine, right?! Recreating the world will reset everything you have done onto a new copy. You can always try moving the player around in mcedit to see if the spawning location has anything to do with it, if not, well, you could copy over your chunks in mcedit and slap it in on a recreated world.
  17. Was the world generated on 1.0.5? Can you open it up in MCEdit and see if anything is 'wrong' ? I have some crashes when for some reason the chunk got corrupted. Can you re-create the world and shutting down and running the world twice in a row? In MCEdit, if it will load, there should be a 'repair chunk' option
  18. Whelp, I'm afraid your computer is an anomaly. I have no idea what is going on. It just seems to me something's going wrong with the downloads somehow.
  19. EDIT: HOLD THE PHONE. Are you SURE you are running the latest RECOMMENDED VERSION in the launcher, NOT the Dev version?!
  20. Whelp, like I said 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Duplicate enchantment id!' Something out there is still calling the Hexxit IDs Did you remember to remove 1.5.2ASAddonHarkenScythe_v2.0.0Forge.zip and 1.5.2HarkenScythe_v2.1.6Forge.zip ?
  21. Are you... using a 'legally intact' version? Because that very specific version has been stolen and pirated earlier.
  22. Please give us your forgemodloader log located in %appdata%\.technic\hexxit
  23. Does the user in question have any modified data aside from the standard hexxit package?
  24. Delete the .technic folder and redownload the launcher.
  25. Title: [Please Report] (Bibliocraft) crash when using Reading on blank 'enchanted book' Version: 1_0_5 OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Java Version: 1.7.0_25 Description of Problem: Some books that circulate in the current loot table will cause the game to crash if analysed with any armor that has 'reading' These specific books will spawn as BLANK 'Enchanted book(s)', if these are added to any type of 'readable' surface, the game will freeze giving a 'failed entity render' error message. It is absolutely vital to get these out of the loot list or actually have these books contain enchantments, as they are now currently completely unusable. Error Messages: Rendering Tile Entity java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Error Log: Description: Rendering Tile Entity java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList.func_74743_b(NBTTagList.java:106) at jds.bibliocraft.rendering.TileEntityBookcaseRenderer.func_76894_a(TileEntityBookcaseRenderer.java:103) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76949_a(SourceFile:107) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76950_a(SourceFile:99) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.func_72713_a(RenderGlobal.java:539) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(EntityRenderer.java:1595) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(EntityRenderer.java:1122) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:871) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:760) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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