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Everything posted by Tuxmelv

  1. AFAIK, Galacticraft still produces MJ, not Thermal Expansion's RF. Thermal Expansion should be able to power Galacticraft due to conduits ability to convert to MJ, but not the other way around.
  2. FYI, Magmatic Engines are now Magmatic Dynamos in the latest version 1.2.4.
  3. These are tied to other mods. Nether Nikolite, Nether Ruby, and Nether Sapphire are for when RedPower or Project:Red is installed Nether Uranium I believe is for when IC2 is installed I'm not sure about Nether Emerald, Nether Peridot, Nether Pig Iron, Nether Osmium and Nether Iridium. Nether Osmium might be for Mekanism. TL;DR They are to support mods not currently in Tekkit.
  4. Awesome! Thank you for all the hard work Skuli and Technic Team!
  5. If you want the functionality of RedPower2, you might want to look at Project Red.This is a complete remake of RedPower2 from new mod developers plus improvements. This should be more compatible with the current version of Tekkit, possibly the latest version too but I personally have not tested it with either. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v42218-12312013/
  6. Quality of Life config requests are valid requests too. Search the Tekkit forums for uranium ore generation, quite a few threads pop up. Both Galacticraft oil and uranium are things that we can change in the config but would be very nice if Tekkit already came with these options updated for us.
  7. Please add these to the list of requests. 1/ Turn Galacticraft Oil generation off. This gets really annoying when running a quarry and causes un-mined pillars below the oil. Also, when it flows, it turns into water that does not need blocks below it to create more source blocks. 2/ Turn on Uranium ore generation in Atomic Science. This has been something we have had to do manually since 1.1.10. As Big Reactors can also use uranium in its recopies, this is more important than ever to be made the default. Ignore due to 1.2.3.
  8. The new Energy Cells require you to configure imput and output. I have noticed that they auto configure output on sides when they are placed directly next to a machine though the cell needs to be placed last.
  9. Upgrade to a r14 version of AE (little buggy) or wait till AE for 1.7 and use Point to Point tunnels. Send Items, Liquids, Redstone over the AE network and Quantum Bridges without it ever touching your AE network.
  10. The Thermal Expansion 3 Conduits will automatically convert to MJ for machines that require it. There is currently no way to convert back to RF from MJ without another mod.
  11. There wasn't a loop but the guy cllaimed he had 40000 liquiducts in there. It was so laggy we had to roll back his work. I personally am using that template expanded to dual banks of 48x16 x6 high. I will line the outside with turbines in sets of 2x9 towers with a single Liquid Manager buffer per set. Once it's all done, i'll post pics.
  12. I love using Liquid Managers and have been following the excellent setup at http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/whats-your-liquid-storage-solution.49591/#post-409928. One warning on scale, we managed to use this set up to fill a 64x64 quarry hole and crashed our server as well. Looks like the culprit was the Liquiducts themselves. When rearranged to have less intersections, the massive lag went away. Seems like the liquiducts may suffer the same problem of lag due to excessive intersections that old IC2 wiring had, with different thresholds. *Edit, clarification **Note, this was just based on what we changed. I have not fully tested this theory out.
  13. Build something massive. Cobble/Stone can be turned into Whitestone/Blackstone. My Drillbase (base just for laser drills) is made of Paved Whitestone. Alot of machines also use cobble as parts, mostly for the pistons and furnaces required in the crafting recipies.
  14. Only thing I miss is Industrial Information Panels. I hate having signs everywhere and having a separate computer/monitor for each sign or a lot of wiring for networked monitors is annoying.
  15. Take the recipe for Hardened Glass. Instead of the pattern of 2 pulverized obsidian and 1 lead equaling 2 hardened glass, my pattern is 2 pulverized obsidian equaling 2 hardened glass due to the induction smelter already being preloaded with a stack of lead.
  16. Had this problem too. Happens to me when more than 1 stack of resources is requested to make the pattern. I ended up setting up 5 induction smelters with the ME interface on one input colour, then setting an export bus on the other colour. The patterns were tweaked so AE only uses the missing resource to make the pattern and the export bus keeps the other resource stocked. As there is only 5 recipes that have to use the induction smelter (hardened glass, electrum, bronze, invar, and turning rotten flesh into leather), this was the easiest solution.
  17. I just like to have as much power as possible and future proof my builds. Been wondering on how to bridge different power sources for a while now. I'll have to test this out. I'll just set up a bank of 30 RECs then a bank of 60, then count the time till they drain under the same load.
  18. Concerning the Conduits max transfer, I seem to remember in another thread to be determined at 3000 mj/t. Is the 3000 mj/t the total network saturation or just the output limit? As this limit can be accomplished with just 30 RECs outputting at 100 mj/t each, segregating RECs into banks of 30 and network segments of 3000 mj/t sounds like a nightmare when using multiple power sources (biofuel and atomic science).
  19. Anyone thought of adding the PIM from openperipheral into the mix? Have the PIM output specific items (ae tools, mps) to the "Charging" Chest, and have it import specific items from the "Charged" chest. Idea is that since the PIM can manipulate your inventory, you basically just have a charging pad to stand on. I personally would like the idea of having a charging network so to speak, where the PIM outputs to a buffer chest, then the items get seperated into dedicated "Charging" chests with individual Electric Infusers per item. Combine the outputs to a single "Charged" chest and have PIM re-equip (or at least put them back in your inventory). I currently don't have the means to power this set up reliably.
  20. It starts at redstone_energy_cell_0. I was testing this out in a temp creative world first. Had 60 RECs, set it to 59 (2 sets of 30 for max Redstone Energy Conduits) and wired both of them up to the computer via modems. Shows 35.4 mil MJ instead of 36 mil MJ. Being 1 short doesn't bother me that much when there are that many.
  21. Thanks Phazeonphoenix! The table code is awesome, but looks like it doesn't count 1 REC. I haven't had time to troubleshoot to see which one is missing. That shouldn't be a problem.
  22. I have wired modems on each REC, then the program uses the following code (with net defined as a peripheral.wrap on the modem side) via OpenPeripheral as part of the base tekkit pack. for i=#storageUnits,1,-1 do storageUnit = storageUnits[i] capacity = capacity + net.callRemote(storageUnit["id"], "getMaxEnergyStored") amount = amount + net.callRemote(storageUnit["id"], "getEnergyStored") end
  23. I'm looking at tweaking a program http://pastebin.com/1sqCRqjj, for monitoring a large bank of Redstone Energy Cells. Problem is, I have to manually edit the program with 4 lines every additional REC I have. As I'm currently at 70 RECs and growing, I would like to make this part dynamic where I enter the total RECs I have and it appends the name for me, adding the below up to the max number of RECs I have. Thoughts? { ["id"] = "redstone_energy_cell_(X)"; ["name"] = "Cell(X-1)" },
  24. You can put in a loop that pulls from a chest and use an insertion pipe, This will force all items into the connected inventory only when there is room. Then just pump them back into the origionation chest. Chest > wooden transport w/ redstone engine> insertion pipe to pulverizer > insertion pipe to origional chest then add an overflow chest after it. No items will spill and the pulverizer will always be full. This was my setup before AE.
  25. I actually just finished fixing the same problem. The statement about Galacticraft isn't relevant as I was having the same problem with and without Galacticraft installed, plus that statement occurs normally when I review logs from when the server was working. I ended up having a multitude of issues. 1/ The overworld save was corrupted 2/ My latest backup of the overworld was corrupted (1 week old at this point and made by ForgeEssentialsServer) Re-installing Java didn't work. Deleting all traces of tekkit and downloading a fresh, unmodified server also wouldn't start. I ended up having to re-install the entire server, OS and everything. No big deal for me as the machine was dedicated to just Tekkit. Not sure how much this helps you as I was recovering from a power issue while the server was running that I suspect was the culprit.
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