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Everything posted by disconsented

  1. All you need is to install Java and then run the server .Jar
  2. Just need to keep them loaded. Use a teleport Tether
  3. Normally I just send ores to be processed then put into a "metals" chest, minerals to be sent to their own box except for redstone, nikolite and coal. They each go into their own chests because I normally get a lot of them. And anything else goes into a misc box unless I have other things set up for them.
  4. Thaumcraft 3 is featured in direwolf 20's server play series..
  5. Go onto the Computer Craft wiki and surf through the API section.
  6. That issue was sorted out a long time ago. Users can and do add in forestry manually.
  7. Delete them from the server files (under worlds or Mystcraft)
  8. C = 0 sTime = 1 function PrintMessage(message) print(message) sleep(sTime) end while C ~= 0 do PrintMessage("1") PrintMessage("2") PrintMessage("3") PrintMessage("4") end Just change the sTime to the delay between messages Change 1,2,3 and 4 to your rules. If you want extra rules just copy and paste the PrintMessage("1") function and change the message to print.
  9. I'm quite sure Flan's mods are incompatible w/ forge.
  10. I haven't programmed in LUA for a while so I am really rusty. Its just been papyrus. Gl and Hf.
  11. Nvm about do but your problem is you are asking the computer a command instead of asking if you are getting input on the side you want redstone.getInput("bottom")
  12. You need to have "do" at the end of your if statements IIRC. Also learn to indent, it makes reading (and consequently debugging) easier.
  13. Tekkit works fine on Win8 for me. It should work on the surface its just the controls are going to suck.
  14. I you looked on the 'tekkit' section of this website you would know the answer.
  15. nvm didn't seen original post date
  16. 1.2.5 is your minecraft version. NOTHING IS WRONG THERE. Make sure you select the 3.1.3 instead of 3.1.2.
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