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Everything posted by disconsented

  1. Please re-read what I had said, you have missed out most of the information I asked for. Also that is far from high end.
  2. IRRC there is a spawn protection radius of 16 blocks. I recommend moving at least 50 away before you try to break a block. Also "high end gaming machine" is a worthless statement without stating the parts you have there are many people who consider a fx-4100 a 'high end part'. 5Bg is not a quantity relating to computing you were probably referring to 5GB which is 5 Gigabytes. Without more information along the lines of your security software and network setup you are going to be hard pressed to find anything useful.
  3. Alternatively the Solar panel and Kinetic generator sound mitigate the cost or in some cases generate more power than what is used.
  4. So essentially the only thing that is 'gone' are frames?
  5. Probably wrong version of tekkit lite
  6. Tekkit no longer has Bukkit support built in.
  7. FlowerChild's stuff I would assume
  8. Either: Use Redstone Conduits or a Red Stone cell and a Gate which will turn it on and off when needed.
  9. You may want to add in a few extra leaves to the Rubber Tree because the chance of a sapling is rather low. Maybe add it a dungeon or two.
  10. The issue is likely your fist gen FX processor due their horrible single core performance. Optifine is your best bet the only other option I can think of is the Razer GameBooster.
  11. Is this a curiosity type thing or is it something you want for non-overworld?
  12. AMD's APU's want to talk with you.
  13. IIRC you need to be not connected to the internet for offline mode. Also wireless strength =/= internet anything.
  14. Could always do a Magmatic or combustion engine set up.
  15. Just use the recipe function of NEI instead
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