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Everything posted by disconsented

  1. You are shit out of luck. Your best bet is to download the modpack somewhere else and transfer it over. It shouldn't be an issue with the offical modpacks as it downloads all the mods separately, if it fails just try again and it will pick up where it left off.
  2. 1.5.2 Mods require 1.5.2 pretty much no exception to this.
  3. It isnt even zipped... Try actually read the tutorial
  4. It would be lovely if you read the entire crash screen and give us the file it mentions
  5. If by MCA you mean Minecraft Comes Alive then no, you can see what is in the modpack ;)
  6. You should probably goto the computer craft forums and request the program there.
  7. Server I.P: binarymagic.co.nz Website: www.binarymagic.co.nz Technic Platform: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/binary-magic Whilst we are based in New Zealand (with the server being in the US) we welcome all English speakers Installation: [CLICK HERE] Binary Magic server is for people looking for a more Magic/Medieval/RPGs styled modpack. Quests and other game content are continuously being added if you don't want to work your way thought Tinker's Construct, Thaumcraft 4 or Ars Magica 2. Whilst we do not have an official age restriction 1) Don’t harass Staff or Players. This includes things like asking for items and teleports etc. This is to ensure players have a fair experience. 2) Don’t needlessly abuse flaws within the mods (Ars Magika’s Magic Fabricator for example) This does mean that PVP is allowed (and is encouraged) as long as you aren't harassing players. 3) The most update to list of rules will always be kept in the server spawn 4) If you wish to get out of spawn make sure you read the boards Whilst we do not offer a method of protecting chests like Lockette we do have a global bank as well as Chests from Ars Magica and Thaumic Tinkerer Banned items: Magic Fabricator Application: IGN: Age: Why do you wish to join: What feature do you find most appealing about the server: [Traveler] Wanders roam the lands looking for a place to call home [Adventurer] Wanderers who have decided to settle down and make their keep [Citizen] Those who have decided to give something back to the land [Knight] Upstanding Citizen's who keep the peace and strive for justice for all [Lord] Citizens who have reached an understanding with the King, they strive to keep the realm in order Can be found on the Modpack page World Border mcMMO Essentials WorldEdit Dynmap CoreProtect WorldGuard CraftIRC And more!
  8. hahahhahaha. I needed a good laugh (In case you are serious, do some research)
  9. It isnt possible, it hasnt been updated for a long time
  10. Tekkit main doesn't include Mo creatures or IC2
  11. I can help you play minecraft for free: Purchase a Minecraft account.
  12. A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\Brandon Pinos\AppData\Roaming\.technic\voltz\crash-reports\crash-2013-08-14_15.01.29-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash :(
  13. Try reading the report before posting it..
  14. Client and Server need to be running the save version of the modpack
  15. You notice that crash report at the bottom? That would be useful
  16. 1) Google MCPC+ 2) Learn Java 3) Learn Bukkit Pluggins 4) Make pluggin
  17. I guess I have to spell this out, Tekkit lite is 1.4, MCPC is 1.6. Get MCPC for 1.4
  18. "mcpc-plus-1.6.2" What version is Tekkit Lite on?
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