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Everything posted by disconsented

  1. On their latest facebook post there is the word "Peregrination" which means 1. travel from one place to another, especially on foot. 2. a course of travel; journey. This means that Galactic Craft has had a major update but I don't follow it so I am not sure for certain.
  2. Okay so now I just noticed the Standard Galactic Alphabet. Anyone got any idea's what the constellations mean?
  3. I wonder you got your mits on this time. I suspect a decent Tekkit update.
  4. Judging by how you didn't answer the question it is safe to assume no.
  5. Many? It takes 10 minutes tops with google.
  6. You have a AM2 CPU with a FM2 board... and a cpu cooler with a low end CPU...
  7. Your ISP is throttling your connection. This is rather common.
  8. Mac = PC. Also with that information, good luck getting help
  9. Its a bug and has already been reported.
  10. Launcher Version: 242 Operating System: Win 8 Pro 64 bit Java Version: 1.7.0_09-b05 Antivirus Program: Bit Defender Description of Problem: When I attempt to run my mod pack it re-downloads the latest version. Other people who use the pack have reported the same issue. Error Messages: N/A Error Log: N/A
  11. Configs need to be the same between the client and server
  12. I cannot see myself running a custom modded server without the platform.
  13. Well thanks for that, I just hadn't heard anything because I normally don't keep up with mod development.
  14. sourceProblem solved
  15. I thought the general idea was that Soryan didn't think it was ready for modpacks
  16. Oh look more baseless assertions. You are the one with the burden of proof, until you show me some. You are all. :)
  17. You could always go through each of the mods currently included and look at their respective wikis
  18. You are the once with the burden of proof here. You misunderstand my intentions, I am not trying to start a debate. Just trying to stop the bandwagoning.
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