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Everything posted by AcesOyster

  1. It's probably due to something like your graphics hardware. Honestly, some PCs just can't handle this game. machines with integrated graphics are always going to struggle hard.
  2. Minimap size is changed via pressing M, then selecting options.
  3. they're only in the game because Flan's Mod's Titans requires Flan's Mod Core. Faln's Mod has a reputation for not having a lot of configurable aspects, and one of the things that the Core doesn't allow you to disable is the armour.
  4. Have you tried updating java? if not, it's probably something to do with the flags you have set.
  5. oh, I hadn't realised those linked. Derp. Thanks man
  6. Where can I find (if they exist) changelogs for the modpack? Thanks.
  7. No problem. I have tons of the stuff clogging up my chests, being on an island.
  8. Actually you're quadrupling it - a 32px texture has 4 times the number of pixels per texture than a 16px.
  9. That's really cool. How's stability with it? Would be nice to see if it fixes the bugs I've been having in my survival world. Looking into responders more, terminators are an extension of the responder class. There seem to have a special value for a function called SendPriority, which I assume means they always come after responder chips in the priority chain. However, all I can trace back from that function is something which decides the speeds of items for various priorities. I think that, from looking at the code, dynamic responders I realised only allow items already in the connected inventory. I tested this in creative and it works. Means you can avoid setting filters on loads of chips, and just fill the chests with the items would want to go to them. God bless Github
  10. If anyone is going to be able to help you, they'll need to see a crash report. %appdata%/.technic/logs
  11. Just started writing some of the grittier bits onto there. Was originally going to try and put it on the technic wiki, but I don't get how to make edits on there. Also, where did you find Crafting Chips? is this future content?
  12. Found a really nasty bug with something I am doing in my world. It seems that there is just one spot where, if I place an extension pipe, any requests the system makes crash the game... Edit: Managed to reduce the problem, but any request that uses that extension pipe crashes. very weird.
  13. Yeah, I just replied to a post on the bug tracker about that. I only play this SMP, so I've never seen it. You should probably go to the bug tracker and post up a crash report on the thread
  14. well, the mod is the weather mod, which does allow you to disable waterfall particles. Idk if it'll be like rain, and that disabling the particles will stop the sound or not.
  15. If you have a reliable source of mob essence, MFR autospawners can be very efficient for getting a particular common drop. I currently have one which alternates between being a wither skellie spawner and a blaze spawner.
  16. Power usage? That's an odd question... If that's actually what you mean, MFR based grinding systems can produce some huge benefits, and is a nice way to burn off any spare power. Then of course there's laser drills, but they cost a bomb. If you meant power supply, I personally choose sugar cane farms and cow farms feeding sewage and sugar to TE reactant dynamos feeding TE redstone energy cells. I can explain more if you wish.
  17. If you were going to mob farm with MFR, you have access to a Grinder machine. Produces rare drops without any player interaction.
  18. Sorry, for the double post, but the content is totally unrelated - If you don't follow GB on twitter, you won't have seen this:
  19. The crafting pipes are even more powerful than that though. All that a crafting pipe does is tell request pipes or stock keepers that it could supply a number of item A, provided that something gave the relevant supplies to the relevant extension pipes. http://imgur.com/dZf6Ytl For example, in this picture I have the crafting pipe set up to accept 12 redstone ore into the top extension pipe, and 1 ferrous ore into the lower extension pipe, to produce 1 shiny ingot. The pulveriser has a small chance of producing cinnabar from the redstone ore, which goes into the induction smelter via the secondary output configured to the bottom. The induction smelter smelts this cinnibar with the ferrous ore, to produce 3 ferrous ingots, which are extracted through the bottom, and 1 shiny ingot, which is returned to the crafting pipe, via the secondary output configured to the right hand side. Thus, the request pipe can ask for 1 shiny ingot, and the system will produce it. The obvious problem with this system is that it doesn't account for the chance that 10 redstone ore may not produce 1 cinnibar. Nor does it deal with any cinnibar left over if more than 1 is produced in a batch of 10.Realistically you'd try and separate cinnibar production, to have another broadcaster set asside for cinnibar stock. Just a little proof of concept. This could obviously be made much bigger, which is my next great plan.
  20. There's been a lot of chat around the workings of ProjectRed pipes, but scattered all over the place (not just on these forums, but also on reddit and youtube). It made sense to try and unify our collective knowledge, so I reckon this thread is a good idea. I still don't understand every aspect of it, but I made this video to showcase the bits I do get. I still need to work out what responder and dynamic responder chips achieve, but other than that, I have a pretty thorough understanding. I would quite like to try and collate enough info to write an entry to write something for the wiki on the topic, so any help on things I miss in the video would be great. I know this probably comes across as a thinly veiled attempt at advertising a video, but I do really want to make this mod accessible, given that it is just so powerful.
  21. Well, you say that. I personally have always kept my smeltery as empty as possible. It's not a huge challenge to avoid that horrible rainbow that everyone's smeltery seems to be
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