Whitelist application:
*Who are you? Hello my name is David from Sweden. (Talks fluid english just perfect however). My IGN is: Peddopie
*How old are you? I am 17 years old, turning 18 in 2 months
*Why do you want to play on our server? I'm always interested in playing with mature people that you can talk "normally" to, I like the idea of being a few people chatting/talking to eachother whilst playing and having fun exploring this awesome new modpack.
*What do you think you can offer our server? I am always open to help people with whatever they require, I'm a very friendly person that likes to joke a lot, I'm pretty good at building and I have a big knowledge of minecraft and the most mods in this pack! I have been playing minecraft since 2011, mostly single-player, but I really wanna find a server that's great (like this one sounds)
*Who was your favorite power ranger? The blue one, can't remember the name though, it was ages ago xD