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  1. I'm not gonna lie. I was NOT impressed with this server. The spawn seems kind of dinky. When you first spawn your in front of a wall with a link to their site, which oh so conveniently has donations. When someone asked a question about donations, the admin who was on at the time quickly responded. However when I asked twice about a simple question regarding the server, I was just ignored, overlooked. While I very well may be wrong, at first glance it seems like this server is in it for the money and not the players. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and that's just what I was led to believe while on their server. I believe a server needs to have respect for the players and communicate effectively. Sure they are busy making spawn and adding stuff etc, but its not gonna kill ya to ask a simple question. If you just ignore everyone they will get the impression you don't care and just leave. While there a very few technic legends servers right now, if you want to stay on top you are gonna need to up your game in my opinion. Best of luck with your server, and I honestly do hope its able to improve!
  2. Just released new spawn, Way less laggier than old spawn. Sorry to anyone that lagged like hell when joining, hopefully it shouldnt happen now.
  3. Hello people of SolarSociety and anyone else viewing this thread... This server is still up and running, and we will have a new spawn by christmas. Enjoy the server !!!!! If you need me I hardly ever check this-- Contact me on my skype: Crystacune
  4. Is there a modpack that runs 1.3?

    1. Kalbintion


      If there is one that is still out there, I wish you luck in finding it.

  5. That has been fixed, use the ip hexxit.zebrapoop.com
  6. I am aware of the crashes and I do apologize for this issue, we did not have enough ram. I am in the process of transferring us to a server with more ram, the ip will stay soiherduleik2dig.com so make sure you are using that one and not our numerical ip(one with numbers) , I will update this as soon as it gets up and running on our new higher ram plan, and hopefully that should take care of the constant crashes. I have been busy with college and work and havent much time to look into this as I probably should have, and I really do apologize and hope you continue to enjoy it when its back. Please do let me know if you have any more questions or concerns, I am more than happy to provide an answer. You can always add me on skype for faster contact Skype: Crystacune We are now back in action,Server is back up on the ip listed in the post!
  7. Yes, it is! You should be able to connect using hexxit.zebrapoop.com If you have any more issues please let me know!
  8. So hard to name servers nowadays, the simple ones always taken...

    1. Lethosos


      Make it a play on your name. Like, "The GravyTrain MC Server"

  9. Oh im sorry, I totally forgot to update the ip. /derp is our new ip! Sorry if you werent able to join, if you have any more issues please let me know.
  10. I kind of picked a few of these plugins to use on my server and found one of them made worldedit unusable. Not sure which yet, but I'll post when I find out. Nvm, It seems it might be something else with my server. Although after removing all the ones I added from your zip it still doesnt work...weird. Maybe one of your fixed mods or something did it? I copied those over too. Also, so you wont be doing hexxit 2.0 or whatever the new one coming out is?
  11. IP: soiherduleik2dig.com The current banned items are item router, explosives, and whatever else I found most servers banned, such as dimension doors. If im missing anything crucial that could potentially screw up the server please let me know as I am VERY inexperienced in big dig! This server just opened publicly a few days ago, and the spawn is not the best right now. I am mainly looking for some experienced players to get on and help by providing info. The server is sort of in beta phase I guess, not fully finished, but figured I would let some people on at first to see what items people abuse and if the server can handle the players etc. I know its currently not the best and will improve with due time.
  12. Why is dimensional doors usually removed? Crashes server? Buggy? Just lag? I kind of forgot.
  13. Like couple days, weeks, months?
  14. Oh.. one server I went on said it banned qcraft for that reason. xD
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