IGN: xjakemanx
Age: 18
Why? looking for a small friendly server to have fun on
Location: Canada
How well: pretty well im not amazing at it but I know a good bit
Do I agree with rules? yes
IGN: xjakemanx
Age: 18
Why? im looking for a small friendly server to have fun with
Like to do: build and just play around with the mods
Don't like to do: use redstone
experience with modpack: 7
What is love?: you tell me
Squirtle or Pikachu: squirtle
IGN: xjakemanx
Age: 18
Skype: yes
How often do I play: Every night
Youtube: No
Modpacks: tinkers construct, flans and just building
Builder: technical (sorry no link)
Why? im looking for a small friendly server to have fun with
IGN: xjakemanx
Skype: skoryk13
Age: 18
Why?: I am looking for a small friendly server to join and have fun with
Mods: I mostly like to build but I play around with tinkers construct and flans