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  1. So what I have found is this. Log out on the regular launcher, then sign back in. For whatever reason Microsoft just absolutely sucks at account management. I use modpack launchers, and for some reason this helps my modpack launcher be able to sign in correctly as well. I have NO idea why all of it breaks, or why this fixes it, but it's been working for me.
  2. I used to use MCEdit, which was amazing. What I loved about it was that I could make a huge cube, save it, and load it into a totally new world, and move it to the exact block I wanted to paste it. It didn't matter if mods were in the world, or if they were totally different versions of the game. It worked perfectly. I also loved that I could delete whole chunks, even the entire world except for a few choice chunks I wanted to keep. Is there any way to do this at this point? I'm currently using 1.16.2, just because a lot of mods haven't been kept up to newer versions. I know there is the "structure block", which somehow I was unaware of! But this has a REALLY small scale, like 3x3 chunks, which is nothing. I want to save entire islands, and move them into a new world. Any help/ideas/mods/etc would be very appreciated! Thanks!
  3. I managed to actually play with all three accounts today. At first they all said the same thing about failing to authenticate. However, I clicked the login thing, and it actually worked this time! However however, the one needed me to click the login button a second time. In research I saw something where it was literally the idiots at Microsoft dropping the ball in some way, so it was actually just bad timing for trying to start playing right when Microsoft was messing with some stuff. It could be at one time it will work, and another it won't, due to no fault of your own. I'm not sure on this, but it's one answer I found. From my personal experience, this makes sense. It is also par for the course for the morons working for this garbage company. They have so much money and such a monopoly that they think they don't need to try, and they end up doing a terrible job, especially when it comes to coding. Hopefully they fix it, and leave it alone, but I won't hold my breath.
  4. I have three official Minecraft accounts (me and my two kiddos). I just started up Technic to run our modpack we've made, and the one computer did it just fine, but the other two are giving me this error. I've tried logging into Microsoft for both computers, and that works totally fine. When I open the Technic launcher, it asks me to add a Microsoft account. When I click that, it opens up a webpage in Chrome, asking me to login to Microsoft. I do that, then it says it did it correctly and I can close that page. I go back to the launcher, and it says "Failed to authenticate with XBox for Minecraft". I honestly hate how Microsoft does everything. I've never had a program that was so difficult just to start up. It seems every other time me and the kids want to play something like this happens. Usually I can fix it myself, but this time nothing is working. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! EDIT: I just tried using the regular Minecraft launcher for my own account. It said it was unable to verifying the products I own, and to check my internet connection... My internet is just fine. So I tried logging out and back in, and that didn't help. It's now telling me, using my own account, that I need to purchase Minecraft, even though I already own it with the account that is logged in.
  5. I'm getting the null error when trying to join my own server. I'm Googled it and watched a bunch of videos, and yet I keep getting the error no matter what I do. I have three computers in my house, all hooked into the same internet. Two of the computers work on the server (one is the computer running the server, and the other is a laptop). The third computer (another laptop) can SEE the server available and green, but when I click to go in, it gives me the null error. The IP I'm putting in is just the local address, and it DOES show up on the laptop that is giving the null error when connecting. I am not using any type of VPN. His laptop DOES connect to the server sometimes, and he's been able to play on the server probably 10 times now. The technic launcher shows him as logged into his account, and the game opens just fine (I'm using my own personal modpack I made, which works perfect on the other two computers). I have signed into Microsoft through Chrome on the laptop, which I have found helpful other times (it's like the stupid Minecraft servers can't tell that you're logged in unless you use a browser too for some reason, it just seems like the Microsoft element of Minecraft log in is REALLY badly programmed). I have restarted the whole computer, and opened the game back up. I just tried something new, that I saw in a video. In the Technic launcher I clicked sign out for his account. I then tried to sign back in, and it said something like "please sign in again to Microsoft", and when I clicked the button it took me to Chrome and asked me to sign into Microsoft again. I clicked his account, and it gave a white page that said "Received verification code. You may now close this window". So I did, and I opened up the Technic launcher, and it originally said some kind of SMTS error or something (sorry I didn't write it down...). Now I've tried a few times, it always gave that error, but now it's saying that his account hasn't purchased the Java edition, which it DEFINITELY has (I made sure of it, AND we've used it to play Java edition many, many times, using the normal Minecraft launcher and technic). Please help, because we'd really like to play together as a family. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  6. So I'm setting up a new server with a friend. Right now, our memory usage is at like 20%, for both of us. However, I'm getting 60fps, and he's getting 20fps, with all the same settings. His computer is actually better than mine. Is there anything that might be causing an issue here? I have no java arguments set up on either of our machines. All the same mods, the same server, and the server is being run somewhere else entirely. Anybody smarter than me able to help me problem solve what the issue might be? Thanks!
  7. So I tried using the universal forge for 12.2, and forge would never install when running my pack. I then saw in another post that the 12.2 forge with technic requires that you use the installer, so I tried that. Now, it downloads and installs everything, but when I hit play, it just sends me right back to the technic launcher, without even running minecraft. Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks for the help!
  8. So I was having this issue too, and I tried what you said, but now it's not even playing the game. Hitting the play button just sends me back to the technic launcher. Any ideas? Thanks!
  9. Hey there, I haven't played Technic/Minecraft in probably 5 years or so, and I'm going to be running a server once again, so I'm just looking for some help. I don't see how to do a totally clean install of Technic. It doesn't look like it's really "installed" on my computer, because it doesn't show up in the programs list, so I can't uninstall it. If I download the new launcher, it just opens up the old version of Technic I had (last opened 2 years ago, but I didn't play much then). Is there a way to actually do a fresh install? I have some friends wanting to join my server, and from years ago I remember that the launcher would automatically set the RAM allocation quite low, and you actually had to go into the settings and change that manually. This was required for basically any modpack, because the automatic RAM allocation was so low. I know it's silly, but I have found that the majority of people actually can't manage that. If you tell them they need to go adjusting settings, they get discouraged. So for example, people that aren't good with computers, or younger kids, who love Minecraft, things like Technic are really nice, because they basically just have to click play. Is there any way to make the RAM allocation automatically increase when you run my modpack? Or are we actually forced to increase RAM allocation? (It seems odd to me, because no other program ever requires that you do this, if I run Skyrim, it doesn't make me decide how much RAM to allocate, regardless of modding) In terms of the files for the actual modpack, are there better ways to do it now? I remember myself and others used to use Dropbox, but they've really fallen behind, and I remember they changed how things worked, so it made it quite difficult to use Dropbox to share the files. How are people sharing files these days? I also remember a website that would allow you to create a redirection for your IP address (I forgot what the proper term is). Basically, your 123.235.543 whatever IP address you have, will change into something like "CosmosServer" so that you can let people have access to your IP, without actually giving them your IP. The site takes anyone looking for "CosmosServer", and makes them actually look for my IP. Anyone remember what this is called, or what site to use for this? Lastly, if you can't have RAM automatically allocated, does anyone know what Technic STARTS your RAM allocation at? I can't figure out how to clean install, so I'd possibly like to try and make a lightweight modpack that will work with the auto allocation, so what does it automatically set RAM to? Random last point, this forum post page KEEPS bashing my cursor back to the security check. While typing this up it forced me back there multiple times, forcing me to uncheck that I'm not a robot, and I then had to refresh the page to fix it. Why in the world is that happening? Very annoying. Appreciate any help you can give! Thanks!
  10. Cool thanks! Can I not delete this thread now? lol
  11. So I've realized my problem is worse than I thought. I have two computers, a mac and a pc, and it's happening on both of them. My modpack I've made installs and loads up properly, but when I'm in a world, I can't open the inventory when I press "E". I get the achievement, because the game recognizes I pushed "E". I'm really confused by this all. Any ideas?
  12. Just wondering what file in the .minecraft folder I need to include in my modpack, so that when someone runs the pack, the IP to the server shows up automatically in the multiplayer settings. Thanks for the help!
  13. I'm very frustrated right now. I know it's probably an easy answer, and I'm sorry, but I've looked for the answer on here, read the guide, watched numerous tutorials, and I still can't get my modpack to work properly. Type in Cosmology and you'll get my pack. I've uploaded it a few times now, and it's big, and I have bad internet, so, you know, lol. From what I can tell you have to have bin, mods, and configs, and then anything else you need. Bin = I got the minecraft universal, renamed it "modpack", and stuck it in the bin folder. Mods = obviously I put all my mods in. config = obviously put all the configs in there. options = I put the options text file in there too, because we need custom controls. I then zip all this up, and name it modpack.zip I then put it up on dropbox so the link AUTOMATICALLY downloads the file. I then update the modpack URL on technic's site, AND I changed the version number. I then download the whole pack... again... and it starts up as if it's Vanilla... I put the options in there too, could this be messing it up? If so, how do I have custom controls for the game in the modpack?
  14. The game starts up, but you cannot enter a world. Why is that? How do I fix it? I'm surprised you found ID conflicts, because I fixed all the block ID conflicts, and all the item ones I could. I thought there were only like 6 left. I'd like to know if you or anyone else can explain to me how to include Forge in a 1.6.4 pack. Thanks!
  15. Sorry about that, should of thought of that. Here it is. Do you know how the forge aspect of the pack works for 1.6.4 packs? http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/cosmology
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