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Everything posted by Pandemoneus

  1. I joined yesterday because custom biomes drew my attention. Upon joining, reading and accepting the rules and going out of spawn, I found things like these: The typical look of the Tundra biome: The forest biome with hanging sugar cane: Deserts with palm trees and weird cacti: The whole world is made out of nice, custom biomes. The only problem I found is that some ores were not generated (ruby/emerald and uranium) or - according to the owner - generated in biomes which I have not stumbled upon yet after more than 1 hour of searching. What makes the server more challenging (and that's a good thing if you don't want the standard Tekkit world) is the fact that not all ores spawn in all biomes. For example you can find coal and copper in Forest biomes but no coal at all in River or Plains biomes. This makes the player explore the world and have different digging sites for different ores. There also is a custom "Sky" biome in which the only mob spawns are Endermen and which additionally has a black sky (like in the End). A big thanks for those biomes to the staff! Apart from that, the server offers the standard repertoire of plugins (mcMMO, Towny). Towns do not cost that much to create, but have a high upkeep that can currently only be met if you vote or if you sell diamonds to the server shop. The owner - mjclone - is aware of that problem though and plans to extend the shop and also add an arena that offers paid fights. He seems to be very active and cares for his community, addressing problems and not ignoring them unlike some other servers owner out there. The only feature advertised here but I didn't see ingame are the Slot machines, which isn't a big issue for me.
  2. I can highly recommend this server. It's lag-free unlike the most other Tekkit servers out there. :)
  3. While I can confirm the no mcMMO part, I can't say anything about the rest. What I know is that someone wanted to tp to me to kill me right after I told them that I am new.
  4. Hey, the thread looks really nice. Unfornunately I can't connect to the server. Is it up?
  5. You should try /warp Academy if that happens. And yes, our spawn is in the End. You did not, because the monitors contain info how to warp out.
  6. Tekkit runs on CraftBukkit 1.1 R4, so you would choose any plugins for that version.
  7. There is a config folder at your server files. Open it and look for ModLoader.cfg, look for the line mod_EE=on and put mod_EE=off.
  8. Open Steam -> Add Game -> Add 3rd party game -> Search -> Navigate to Minecraft -> Add And there you go.
  9. Tekkit is still for Minecraft 1.1, whereas "upside down stairs" are introduced 1.2.
  10. Hey, are you trying to craft it in a rolling machine? If not, that's the "workbench" of RailCraft and most things are crafted in there.
  11. It is not included in Tekkit.
  12. This would be so cool if this was available in SMP.
  13. There is an options button in the launcher. Make sure the LWJGL option is not ticked.
  14. Deleting the lastlogin file solved the issue for me.
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