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Everything posted by jakj

  1. Have you accounted for the fact that 3 copper + 1 tin actually equals 2 bronze in a crafting table?
  2. If you're using Windows, just set .jar files to open with Java Platform SE Binary, and you can double-click the .jar file.
  3. Because a game that just got announced and has an entire year until approximate release goal has the final art assets and rendering optimizations, right? And it's totally appropriate to rejig and reallocate resources out of coordinated paths just to make sure an announcement screenshot is of utmost quality, yes? (Besides, GW2 looks and runs like a trout's ass in chilled tar right now, and we know it's going to be beautiful on release.) You're right about the combat in terms of it not suiting a TES game, but I still happen to like WoW-style combat. An MMO comes with a whole new set of variables, though, and they can't just make "multiplayer Skyrim" and expect to not have to abandon the game within months; They have to appeal to a wider demographic, and face it: More people are used to WoW than are used to other MMOs. (That doesn't mean it's a guarantee: It's a wait-and-see.)
  4. Re: So the 'Best thing you ever created' poops out on me after a second Man, tell us some more about how rough it is getting things for free. Would you be happier if the Technic Pack came with a money-back guarantee?
  5. Re: Logging/Authorisation Problem Don't sign your posts. Try signing in with vanilla Minecraft and see if it works.
  6. There is more than enough anecdotal evidence already given throughout this forum to make you sure of no such thing. You may try using Java 6 until you're blue in the face, and if you get it working, then congratulations, but most of the people here will simply say "install Java 7 if you have issues" because that is known in many cases to eliminate common issues. Refusing to use an available known possible fix is not a good way to progress toward a solution, nor even to properly diagnosing the problem.
  7. The intention of the GPL (so far as I understand it) is that it is trying to effect actual social change, not just to be a license for people to use; That's sort of why people call it "viral" as a disparagement. In the strictest sense, you are correct, but just as restricting peoples' freedoms is damaging, so is not restricting them: A despotic attitude leads to people being ground into nothingness by an external force, but an anarchic attitude leads to people grinding each other into nothingness. Hyperbole aside, the point of using the GPL is to try to spread the usage of the GPL, increasing awareness of the issue, trying to educate people as to why there are many situations where something is closed source just because that's what's usual or expected and not because it's actually better. Releasing something as public domain serves the immediate purpose: Let people use it however they want. But there the author's influence ends: Cool that they made something neat, and cool that people like it, but...that's it. Something like the GPL makes a statement: "I have made something, and I want you to use it; I want you to tell your friends about it, and I want your friends to tell others about it. I want my creation to have an impact, because people who want to modify it, to include it in their own work, need to think for just a moment about what the GPL really means and how it affects what they want to do. I want them to understand the GPL, and I want to convince them that constructive sharing is better than closed-minded restrictiveness." So yeah, it's putting an onus on people who want to mess with my stuff just as the mod authors are putting onuses on us when we try to mess with their stuff. However, my motive is different, and I personally feel that removing someone's right to remove someone else's right is actually the proper thing to do. (And obviously, yes, all of this discussion relates to only those portions of the code which are not directly tied to the Minecraft or a mod's source, so the lesser part of any mod, but it's a point still.)
  8. Yes, I'm trying to remember to check into that forum. It would be really great if the forum software supported "subscribing" to a board, so I could check for newly-created threads as easily as I check for new replies in threads in which I've posted. Suppose I could just make a row of bookmarks in my browser at home, but my phone would take a few more clicks. (First-world problems, yeah, I know. ) Talking about copyrights specifically, I tend to prefer the GPL license, because it's proven to be upheld in a court of law in my country (US) even against DMCA, and I take comfort in the viral nature which expresses itself as "you will use my code to help the community as I have helped it or you will kindly fuck off". (I don't have any objection to simple public-domain release; It's just that I prefer the extra coating of "my way or the highway" to people who want to use my stuff to make other stuff that is restrictive.) As to a mod from scratch...well, what would I do? Every good mod idea I've ever thought of is already being done (which I actually think is good, because that means I have lots of good mods to play with). The only ideas that aren't implemented are for inter-mod operability, like getting Finite Water to be recognized by Buildcraft, getting EE's covalence dust to work with Forestry items, creating a multi-tool to contain the masses of screwdrivers and wrenches and saws we have right now... I do have a very small number of ideas for single interesting items, like a tool handle-arm that you could put an axe into, and it would work like treecapitator except not all at once: You would hold it against the tree, and it would chop from the outside in, using normal durability. I'm rather disheartened, though, considering I wouldn't even be using what I already made because that is based on EE. I'm not worried, of course; I don't fear legal reprisal. I already have the code on my machine to do foolproof binary patching, meaning the absolute worst I could ever be charged with would be violation of Minecraft's ToS, which is a civil issue, not criminal, and Notch doesn't enforce that anyway. It's just...why bother? Not for the mod authors: They don't want my ideas. Not for the average Minecraft player: "+1diamondlolol", no. The only people I respect are the ones here, and has already been shown, we can't even have mod-altering content on here without risk of mod authors coming in and trying to rain down holy fire. Maybe I'll try again some time in the future; I don't know. If more mod authors manage to pull the sticks out of their asses, it might be worth trying.
  9. Except there have already been reliable reports about introduced lag in singleplayer worlds due to the IPC architecture even though multiplayer worlds now have less lag. Are you willing to have entity and movement lag in your SINGLEplayer worlds so that servers have better performance? Didn't think so.
  10. Looks like one of Redpower's config files is corrupt.
  11. I'll give you a hint: You have now twice said what your problem is, so that means you now know twice what to do about it.
  12. George Carlin would love it here, I think.
  13. It all hinges on the economic model, really. I'll accept almost anything from a F2P game, because I can buy what I enjoy and skip what I don't. A subscription game, however, had better blow me the fuck away. I subscribe to WoW because I have a psychological addiction to it, and I subscribe to SW:TOR because it is amazing, and that is about all the subscription I can stomach. Games like DDO (where I pay-as-I-go) or GW2 (where I pay once) are much more pleasant. So if the game sucks, but doesn't ask me to pay beyond what I think a sucky game is worth, then I'll still play it, because TES is cool.
  14. You need one (1) Java. If your OS is 64-bit, you need Java 7 64-bit. If your OS is 32-bit, you need Java 7 32-bit. Uninstall all other Javas.
  15. I prefer a "faithful" and realistic look myself, but I admit, your idea intrigued me. Don't go with super-duper-everything-beveled-steel, though: Try to make it look like the objects are actually real and come from an actual society that has a "style". (Sort of how you can look at car dashboards, and they are all different, but they all generally have similar things to them and they are all "of a type" that is immediately recognizeable as "dashboards of cars designed in country X".)
  16. Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1] The texture pack should already be a .zip file that you just drop into your texture pack folder. Why would you need to unzip it and zip it again?
  17. Ever wanted to figure out just how complex and intricate IC2's power grid really is? Tired of guessing at what all those Thaumcraft items and objects really do? Admire the amazing Steve's Carts and want to add your own new cart type? Frustrated by trying to understand partially-obfuscated mod code and just want the answers you seek? Read on. Important note #1: Do not distribute the decompiled source code of a mod. Mod authors get pissy if you do that, and then you have that piss smell all over the place. Important note #2: Do not just copy/paste other mods' code into your own. Don't be a lazy plagiarist. (When a .bat file is referenced, that is obviously for Windows only. The rest of you should be using the .py (Python) scripts, as usual.) Basic steps: [li]Get the appropriate version of MCP. (If that confused you, you really should not be in this section.)[/li] [li]Run the updatemcp.bat inside MCP until it says there are no updates.[/li] [li]Get a fresh copy of minecraft.jar (using MCNostalgia if necessary).[/li] [li]If the mod requires Modloader, get the version of Modloader you need and put it in your minecraft.jar.[/li] [li]If the mod requires Forge, get the CLIENT version of Forge you need, and put it in your minecraft.jar. (You will not be using the source version of Forge for this method.)[/li] [li]If the mod requires any other mod, get the client version of the mod you need, and put everything (absolutely everything) in your minecraft.jar (not the mods directory that MCP may have created).[/li] [li]Open the .zip or .jar the mod is in, and put everything (absolutely everything) in your minecraft.jar (not the mods directory that MCP may have created).[/li] [li]Put the minecraft.jar in the right place in your MCP installation, then run decompile.bat.[/li] Now, if you're very lucky, that will work. What is more likely is you will get an error from Retroguard saying a particular class cannot be found. That means the mod requires something that is not there, and you need to find it. An example is Mo' Creatures: If you take the MoCreatures.zip out of the Technic 6.0.7 (1.1) installation, and you try to decompile it, Retroguard complains about things like SettingBoolean being missing. In this case, you would go back into your Technic installation, open the modpack.jar, find SettingBoolean.class, and stick that in the minecraft.jar you have in your MCP installation for decompilation. Repeat that step for each missing class file (this may take a while, as you work your way back through a mod's entire set of dependencies), and each time, run the decompile.bat script again. (Do not run the cleanup script; There is no need. Just try to decompile again immediately. But if something screws up horribly, go ahead and run the cleanup and see if that helps. Always keep backups at different stages of this process, so all you have to do is copy/paste your directory and start over, instead of re-doing multiple steps.) Another example may be a missing Forge class: This is an error I encounter frequently, when I install Forge from a download but copy a mod out of Technic to decompile. Just go into your modpack.jar and find it, and put it in. (As far as I know, this is a known issue in Forge that may or may not have already been corrected.) Remember: The point is not to try to get a working minecraft.jar, but rather, just to get one that decompiles. So once you have the mod you're trying to decompile in there, it doesn't matter what else you stick in there, because you will ignore it; All that matters is the mod. Finally, the decompilation should succeed. MCP will continue through its steps, cleaning up sources and adding comments, and so forth. Once it says it is recompiling, you can CTRL-c (or whatever) out of it, or just wait: It will vomit all over itself and fail to recompile. Ignore that; You have what you need. Go into the "src" directory, and your decompiled files will be in there, deobfuscated and fresh, ready for you to read and take in. Remember, don't distribute and don't plagiarize, but otherwise, learn and grow, and post if you have any issues. I won't help idiots, but I will help people who genuinely want to learn. After all, the best way to learn Minecraft modding is to look at Minecraft's decompiled source code. Mods are just an extension of that.
  18. I approve the idea of decorative armor in SSP. Off the top of my head, that would involve adding custom armor slots (already done by other mods, like whatever that one is that Yogscast spotlighted that lets you dual-wield, so you could look at that one's source or decompile to get it), and then you would go into whichever class is responsible for actually executing the call to draw the armor, and having it check for alternate slots. If we're lucky, Notch did not split up the drawing code amongst multiple classes like he is wont to do.
  19. Get Java 7. Also, if you are using the .exe launcher, try using the .jar launcher instead, which works better for some people on 32-bit systems. I see you have 64-bit listed there, though. Check your Java environment variables (the PATH) to make sure it's using the 64 before the 32. Better yet, just uninstall the 32.
  20. If you find yourself making mistakes like this too often, you can use a free image editor (like GIMP, or even Paint) to edit the texture in the mod's zip/jar and add a few dots to it or change its color slightly so it's easier for you to recognize. I've been tempted to do that to differentiate coal and charcoal many times.
  21. I have discontinued this almost-was-a-mini-mod-of-mods-updated-once-a-month-because-I'm-easily-distracted. If you care about why, you may read the modified OP. Thank you, and have a good day.
  22. I never got anything in life I need by being nice.
  23. They are using it to test the combination of mods for bugs client-side while the mods get ported to bukkit server-side.
  24. If it is a bukkit mod, yes. Be aware that anybody who connects to your server without the mod installed in their client may crash as soon as they enter a chunk with one in it.
  25. Why? They're cute. Hopefully if you put something else in, you have some sort of checkbox so we can keep it as it is if we want to.
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