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Everything posted by jakj

  1. Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1] Don't use it with the dev build.
  2. Aaaaaaaand now the thread is dead. If we're lucky.
  3. I equate misinterpreting "expressing my opinion" with "trying to refute someone else's opinion" with defensiveness and insecurity. Anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?
  4. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080121201513AAidpSw
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipster_%28contemporary_subculture%29 That is an overly-coarse, overly-general, and overly-simplistic shorthand for a complex idea. I find it amusing that you equate "Someone on the Internet likes something I don't like" as "He is a hipster".
  6. We get more hits than the IC wiki does? Woah.
  7. The redpower trees are gorgeous. I was disappointed that they're restricted to jungle in the newest version, and I'm hoping it's an easy change to put them back in the forest.
  8. It's usually matmos that complains about being out of date, from what I remember. You don't have to worry about it.
  9. You don't seem to understand the concept that there are things in logs besides errors. If your father fixes it, congratulations: You'll have saved us trying to beat some sense into your thick skull.
  10. I have experience with C, C++, and Java. I have written Modloader mods for Minecraft as well as done base-class modifications, modifications of other mods, and class merging. I studied computer science, including advanced data structures and operating-system design and ergonomics, at university for four years. I have done very minor work that was included in the Linux kernel. I have been programming since my Commodore 64 when I was a child. Need more qualifications? There are launcher logs, there are Minecraft error messages or notifications, there are system logs (on ALL operating systems), and there is common sense. You have provided none of these.
  11. On the Internet, the correct response to being proven wrong by logic and evidence is to say "lol i troll u".
  12. Okay, there's way too much assumption and hyperbole in this thread to even make a cogent argument for anything at all. I'm out.
  13. 1) Anyone who buys more than one month at a time pays less than 15/mo. 2) Many subscriptions are from areas like China that don't necessarily pay a flat subscription rate. 3) That's gross, not net. 4) You're assuming that subscription number is accurate and consistent for any period. Stay in school, kid.
  14. <------ You the point -------> .
  15. You don't have to import anything. All you do is look at the mod's source to see what the names of the classes and members are, and import them. I'll attach my Reflection utility code so you can see. public class EquivalentExchange { public static class CovalenceDust { public static boolean Available ; public static final String ClassName = "ee.EEItem" ; public static final String FieldName = "covalenceDust" ; public static Item Item ; public static void Load ( ) { Item = ( Item ) Reflection . GetFieldContents ( ClassName , FieldName , true ) ; if ( Item != null ) { Available = true ; } } public static final int LowIndex = 0 ; public static final int MidIndex = 1 ; public static final int HighIndex = 2 ; public static boolean StackIs ( ItemStack Stack ) { return ( StackUtil . StackIs ( Stack , Item ) ) ; } public static boolean StackIs ( ItemStack Stack , int Tier ) { return ( StackUtil . StackIs ( Stack , Item , Tier ) ) ; } public static boolean StackIsLow ( ItemStack Stack ) { return ( StackIs ( Stack , LowIndex ) ) ; } public static boolean StackIsMid ( ItemStack Stack ) { return ( StackIs ( Stack , MidIndex ) ) ; } public static boolean StackIsHigh ( ItemStack Stack ) { return ( StackIs ( Stack , HighIndex ) ) ; } public static ItemStack Stack ( int Quantity , int Tier ) { return ( new ItemStack ( Item , Quantity , Tier ) ) ; } public static ItemStack LowStack ( int Quantity ) { return ( Stack ( Quantity , LowIndex ) ) ; } public static ItemStack MidStack ( int Quantity ) { return ( Stack ( Quantity , MidIndex ) ) ; } public static ItemStack HighStack ( int Quantity ) { return ( Stack ( Quantity , HighIndex ) ) ; } } public static void Load ( ) { CovalenceDust . Load ( ) ; } } package Jakj . FairTrade ; import java . lang . reflect . Constructor ; import java . lang . reflect . Field ; import java . lang . reflect . Method ; public class Reflection { public static Class GetClass ( String ClassName ) { try { return ( Class . forName ( ClassName ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Constructor GetConstructor ( String ClassName , Class ... ConstructorParameters ) { return ( GetConstructor ( GetClass ( ClassName ) , ConstructorParameters ) ) ; } public static Constructor GetConstructor ( Class Class , Class ... ConstructorParameters ) { try { return ( Class . getConstructor ( ConstructorParameters ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Object InvokeConstructor ( Class Class ) { try { return ( Class . newInstance ( ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Object InvokeConstructor ( Constructor Constructor , Object ... ConstructorArguments ) { try { return ( Constructor . newInstance ( ConstructorArguments ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Field GetField ( String ClassName , String FieldName , boolean Accessible ) { return ( GetField ( GetClass ( ClassName ) , FieldName , Accessible ) ) ; } public static Field GetField ( Class Class , String FieldName , boolean Accessible ) { try { if ( Accessible ) { return ( Class . getField ( FieldName ) ) ; } else { Field Field = Class . getDeclaredField ( FieldName ) ; Field . setAccessible ( true ) ; return ( Field ) ; } } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Object GetFieldContents ( Field Field ) { return ( GetFieldContents ( Field , null ) ) ; } public static Object GetFieldContents ( Field Field , Object ClassInstance ) { try { return ( Field . get ( ClassInstance ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Method GetMethod ( String ClassName , String MethodName , Class ... MethodParameters ) { return ( GetMethod ( GetClass ( ClassName ) , MethodName , MethodParameters ) ) ; } public static Method GetMethod ( Class Class , String MethodName , Class ... MethodParameters ) { try { return ( Class . getMethod ( MethodName , MethodParameters ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } public static Object InvokeStaticMethod ( Method Method , Object ... MethodArguments ) { return ( InvokeMethod ( Method , null , MethodArguments ) ) ; } public static Object InvokeMethod ( Method Method , Object ClassInstance , Object ... MethodArguments ) { try { return ( Method . invoke ( ClassInstance , MethodArguments ) ) ; } catch ( Exception Exception ) { Log . Write ( Exception ) ; return ( null ) ; } } }
  16. I wouldn't put that kid of shit past Notch, but most of that is probably the compiler optimization re-using variables like they're virtual registers to conserve heap space (and make allocation to real registers easier at runtime). Local variables are the one thing that Java doesn't preserve very well from the source (and not really any reason to, considering).
  17. The easiest way to do it is to create a simple item with NBT inventory that holds the tools (so it can contain wrenches, screwdrivers, whatever; You can use reflection to get the item references or IDs with loaded mods (and you can prevent crashes due to missing classes by simply checking for exceptions when doing the reflection). When someone right-clicks on a block using your multitool, the hackish way would be to just issue the right-click call with every object the multi-tool contains, but the better way would be to figure out which tool is appropriate based on the block ID (redpower block, IC2 machine, logistics pipe, etc.) and then check the multi-tool to see if it contains that item, issuing the right-click call if it does.
  18. Looks like mod sounds aren't getting loaded because of lack of memory. How much RAM do you have allocated to the game in the launcher, and how much does your system have in it?
  19. Yes, obviously, but I doubt there are very many mod-makers who are really going to try to write SMP code now (if they weren't already), being faced with learning a whole new architecture for SSP+SMP (because no, they don't have to just change a couple functions and it's just like now...it's a root canal) for the very next version. Pretty much, either it's SMP already, or it will be SMP in 1.3.
  20. Yes, MCP uses varN to indicate local variables and parN for parameters to functions.
  21. Is this an existing thing with a link, or is this just a WIP?
  22. Oh, so that's where that joke comes from. I saw that in FFX-2 and then suddenly I noticed it everywhere. >_>
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