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Everything posted by Harjas2102

  1. Technic should be working on windows 7, It's just that they recently did some maintenance, so you may experience some bugs for the time being.
  2. ^^^That too.
  3. You have supplied a broken API link. Please supply a working API link.
  4. Hit Windows Key & R to open "Run". Type in %appdata% and hit enter. Go to .technic folder, followed by the logs folder. Open the most recent log. Hit Crtl+A to highlight the whole log and then copy it. Go to pastebin.com , and paste the log into the box called "New Paste". At the bottom click "Create New Paste". Now, Copy the URL to the new paste, and post it here.
  5. Have you tried using your email as the username? It's silly to say this but also make sure caps lock isn't on. If that doesn't work, I would just reset your password.
  6. What are you using to host your modpack?
  7. Make sure that in your bin file, you renamed your forge jar to "modpack", and make sure you're using the right forge version.
  8. Sometimes technic server become slow, and It take a bit of time for an update to apply to the launcher. What sometimes works for me is after I push out and update, and It doesn't appear in the launcher, I push out another empty update, just for the purpose of making it go faster, and it usually works.
  9. You should always provide a link to the actual modpack on the technic website.
  10. Could you please provide a link to your modpack.
  11. No problem, glad it's resolved!
  12. Sorry for not responding, but have you updated the pack with Binnie removed?
  13. Hmm, Well I just left my house so I can't see it just yet. I've contacted one of my friends who can help you solve this. I'm waiting for his response, otherwise, I'll be back home at about 3:00 PM EST
  14. No problem, Keep me updated on how it works out!
  15. Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: binnie/extrabees/apiary/TileExtraBeeAlveary Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: forestry/api/apiculture/IAlvearyComponent I'm not the best at knowing what these mean, But It brings up The "Binnie Mod" & The "Forestry Mod" . So I would assume there would be a conflict perhaps between Block ID's between the through mods.
  16. Could you send the crash log in a pastebin?
  17. Hey. I'm having a problem when starting my modpack. It will be at the mojang screen and loading mods, but then just crash and go back to the technic launcher. Crash Report (Pastebin) : http://pastebin.com/kJC6ZqeD Link to modpack : http://technicpack.net/modpack/harjass-private-pack.826461
  18. The .technic folder should normally be in your roaming folder. Open the run program and type %appdata%, the .technic folder should be there unless you changed the location during install.
  19. The api link is broken. Did you delete the pack?
  20. First, try going into programs & features (right clicking the start button in the bottom left corner) and delete all technic file. Do the same with with your downloads folder and remove a technic launching shortcuts (Desktop icons, the buttons on the bottom toolbar). Then try going to http://www.technicpack.net/download and redownloading. Finish the entire install process and let me know how it goes from there.
  21. You did to use a service that provides a direct link to download from. Do you have any issues using dropbox?
  22. When you said you went "install tekkit" did you mean technic as in the launcher or tekkit the modpack.
  23. I added Forge Multpart but I still get the same error. Oops nvm, It works.
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