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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Greylist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] We are supposed to be greylisted, but as it seems, we ofc got permissues after i went to bed. Ill look at it asap
  2. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Greylist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Now moved over to greylist. EVERYONE is welcome to have a look at the server. Visitors wont have any perms, beside looking around :)
  3. On of the issues, atleast with the laser, is that as long as you dont "rightclick" a block, it seems to bypass whatever protection thrown at it (use). The laser got longer range than a normal player. There might be an easy way to "block" the entire usage in an area, but ive yet myselfe figured out how (and im only using perms, i dont know coding, at all!)
  4. That helped me some atleast, but im still trying to figure out the last bit on getting it to interact with Towny. I really hope someone managed to fix it, and are willing to share what they did.
  5. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Fill out the 3 things at the first post, and it should be no problem
  6. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Also, all them pesky stealing from Tekkitrelated machines are now fixed. All of them placed inside of a town, cant be entered. So no more missing Humus, or stolen energy :)
  7. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Added, given the benefits of the doubt due to a real "simple" whitelistpost ;)
  8. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Whitelisted, welcome to TekkitCraft :)
  9. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Welcome to TekkitCraft, you are whitelisted :)
  10. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Whitelisted, welcome to TekkitCraft :)
  11. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Whitelisted, welcome to TekkitCraft!
  12. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Whitelisted, welcome to TekkitCraft! :)
  13. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Now accepting mod-apps! Look at the first post of this thread.
  14. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] All above whitelisted, welcome to TekkitCraft!
  15. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Added, welcome to TekkitCraft! :)
  16. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Added, welcome to TekkitCraft! :)
  17. Sp0nge


    I tried to give that name perms to build/destroy, but it still seems that Towny aint able to fetch the player. Anyone managed to sort this (if having the similar problem)?
  18. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Whitelisted, welcome to TekkitCraft :)
  19. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] All above whitelisted, sorry that it took some time, ill get it so that i can get some US guy also to be whitelisting (I live in the EU, and sometimes i gotta sleep)
  20. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] Welcome to TekkitCraft :)
  21. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] All added. Welcome to TekkitCraft. We just had a harwareissue, it will be sorted asap!
  22. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] All added, welcome to TekkiCraft. For Spudaman, u can make an app for them, that works fine :)
  23. Sp0nge


    Using PEX, what would be the correct commands to add them?
  24. Sp0nge


    Is Redpower2 a bukkitplugin, or more like a "standalone"? We are running several plugins, and it seems we are getting a conflicterror saying: [iNFO] failed to fetch resident: [Redpower] Its not making any lag, and i talked to the guys at Towny (thats whats conflicting it it seems). They told me that they cant/wont? look into it if it aint a bukkit-plugin? The issue started today, only with consolespam (no lag, just annoyance). But a "conflict" is a conflict" ...
  25. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [24/7] [PvP] [Whitelist] [Towny] [Eco/shops] [LWC] [Citizens] I will also open up the server for devs of the mods provided for Tekkit, for bugtesting etc etc. We have a creative community, that sometimes combine the strangest stuff. Most of the bugs we have are due to our plugins that we add beside Tekkit, but i belive it can still be of value of the devs to see at the backside whats going on. This wont go into the OP yet, but eventually, it will Msg me for more info about it :)
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