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Everything posted by ErusPrime

  1. The links don't work cheapshot. I've had to change it to http://technicpack.net/files/TechnicLauncher-0.2.exe to make it work. That's not working for the exe this time though. It says the file isn't found.
  2. that'd be cool. I like the sphax gui on stuff. Tronic world blocks and sphax machines.
  3. That was pretty bad. I've got worse but I didn't want to offend anyone. Why can't Helen Keller drive? She's a woman.
  4. What was Helen Keller's favorite color? Corduroy
  5. Re: I will pay you $20 to help me make a tiny IC2 addon I support this. EE is way too OP for SSP but it has some useful stuff like Swiftwolf's Rending Gale and the Destruction catalyst. They're my favorite cuz they don't take up armor slots.
  6. I dunno about the default ID's but you should be able to change the mod block ID's in the config files.
  7. It feels good to help people.
  8. They even have a minecraft server. awesome.
  9. Yes. there's been a few threads about it.
  10. http://www.toonamiaftermath.com/
  11. you have to remove the "mirror." part of the link.
  12. I'm waiting for the technic 1.2 update before I start messin with stuff. who knows what kind of craziness is gonna be in 7
  13. my buddy had those decks and a shitty numark mixer. It was in the midst of playing some records that I met my last girlfriend. thanks for opening old wounds, technic team. *cries and watches twilight*
  14. http://technicpack.net/files/TechnicLauncher-0.2.exe http://technicpack.net/files/technic-launcher-latest.jar do this.
  15. Just start out small. Connect some machines to lamps in your base so you know what's running. Maybe a neon sign above your main base. Find a reason to figure out the logic gates. Your 2x2 piston door is a good way to learn XOR and XNOR/IFF gates. The indicator lamps is a good way to learn AND/OR gates. Plus the RP tubes and machines are great for sorting and automating IC and BC stuff. Build a quarry and use RP retrievers, sorters, and filters to keep all the stuff organized. The best way to learn any mod is to figure out what you can use it for. Watch some videos on how the different machines work. Direwolf tends to give examples on what the machine could be used for as well as how to make it work.
  16. Seven Bar Jokes Involving Grammar and Punctuation. BY Eric K. Auld - - - - 1. A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves. 2. A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a drink, the bartender asks it to leave. 3. A question mark walks into a bar? 4. Two quotation marks “walk into” a bar. 5. A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to drink. 6. The bar was walked into by the passive voice. 7. Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave.
  17. sweet as balls. so it should run fine now?
  18. I have mortons. the tall grass needs to be a different color. it gets camo'd into the grass blocks. I like it but I prefer the Tronic pack. It has a cleaner feel to it. Like you're actually playing in a digital world. edit: also, post the edited pack.
  19. Separated Texture Files I extracted all the items in my mods folder. I went through each folder (leaving the structure in tact) and deleted anything that wasn't a PNG. Lemme know if I missed something.
  20. sweet. if you've already got the mod art out share the files. save me a few steps.
  21. I've decided to try my hand at expanding the Tronic Texture Pack. I have no idea what I'm doing so if there's anyone out there that wants to help, I'd like to see the first official texture pack that has been expanded specifically for technic. Seriously, my ability to art is almost nil. Phase I - organize the core technic mods and make the necessary file available for editing. Phase II - pick a pack and start editing Phase III - impress the ladies.
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