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Everything posted by ErusPrime

  1. According to Kaker in the IRC, they hate technic.
  2. delete your folder and try again. back up your worlds first.
  3. I'm not much of a roleplaying type person. I do like puzzles though.
  4. Everything is done off of a mirror now. Download the newest EXE/JAR from technicpack.net and you should be good.
  5. well shit. is everyone on wireless?
  6. I wanna play against someone but I'm on wireless and hosting is a bad idea. Anyone care for a game?
  7. Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1] Your specs should be more than sufficient to run this texture pack. post the logs (use pastebin.com or pasteall.org). Optifine might not have installed correctly. I know the video card is compatible. You might need to update the driver on it. Or something completely different. Which is why we need to see the logs.
  8. technic pack has optifine. There is no need to use MCpatcher.
  9. Re: TechBlock 0.2 Suggestions: 1) a hardcore version. 2) a millenaire village wand. 3) definitely need a way to be able to create the different kinds of vis. 4) expand the void even further so it takes longer to reach land. 5) I'm sure the community can come up with some challenging objectives.
  10. it is a private server. There's about 10 of us. I want to have a design. I think I'll just build the roads and government facilities and leave plots for people to buy.
  11. The blocky GUI in MCEdit makes it hard for me to visualize things. I'm trying to design an entire city including wiring and underground facilities.
  12. are the sounds in your resources folder?
  13. Re: 6 chamber Nuclear Reactor Setup you do realize this thread topic is nuclear reactors, right?
  14. %appdata%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar if that fails, use pastebin.com to post the information in %appdata%\.techniclauncher\logs\launcher_0.log also, what OS and java version are you using?
  15. Re: 6 chamber Nuclear Reactor Setup It works like this: Reactor > HV Transformer > MFSU > MV Transformer > MFE > LV Transformer > BatBox > Basic Machines You can take out the storage devices if you want but you need to make sure to transform the power down to the proper level.
  16. use pastebin so you don't break the tables.
  17. turtle is part of computer craft. tome is an addon that let's you create books you can write in. Clevercraft is Crafting Table II
  18. can't give it out. It's launcher or nothing now.
  19. Then I suggest reinstalling technic pack.
  20. start game open NEI type "automatic" into the search bar.
  21. no. it's all launcher now. If you're having problems explain those problems and maybe we can help fix 'em.
  22. open %appdata%\.techniclauncher\logs\launcher_0.log use pastebin to show us your logs.
  23. We've got a small private server and we're working on building a large walled city. It's a slow and tedious process involving lots of tear downs and rebuilds or modified plans to fit the other buildings. Does anyone know of a program that is good for planning a big ass city in minecraft?
  24. Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.0 and down] Difficult it isn't. Tedious it most definitely is.
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