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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. The entire launcher is different that the vanilla launcher, as you can select different game modes. I don't believe this is really a problem, just an inconvenience.
  2. Don't bump your post. If you have tried everything then you wouldn't have a bug report. Read the stickies, use the forum search function.
  3. Look at the stickies. Read the stickies. ;
  4. That is not an error message, try finding a launcher log, reinstall everything.
  5. Your friend needs to post a bug report. Also, that is your computer model, not your operating system. Edit: also, there is ALWAYS a log.
  6. A. There is ALWAYS a log. B. There is NO such thing as an 86 bit anything. It is 86x, which is the format for 32-bit.
  7. This is an absolutely atrocious bug report. Are you even using the launcher? You need to read the stickies at the top of the forum. This also, is not a launcher bug. You ought to know what your OS is. If you are going to play a Java based game on any computer, at all, you need to have some concept of what your computer is. Read the stickies, check out the common problems and solutions thread, and do not post another bug report without having all of the information the format asks for. Edit: I will also add that 'bumping' is not allowed on this forum. We have edit buttons.
  8. Congratulations! You want to publicly announce that you are going to defeat the entire purpose of the launcher! Keep in mind by doing so, you can't complain to us when it doesn't work. Try complaining to the technic is illegal' crowd, they might be able to help!
  9. You should post this in the yogbox bugs section
  10. And using bold, italicised and underlined makes me not want to help you. Still waiting for op to provide more info.
  11. Slow down, make sure you have the right account, then log in.
  12. Download Java...
  13. Here is what I need to provide even a little bit of help for you. The actual launcher version, how many bits your OS runs on, the Java version, if you have any antivirus program, the launcher log. Without this information, any help I provide will come directly from here, which you should always check first anyway.
  14. Log, reinstall java
  15. The servers are probably down again.
  16. Kind of going for the 'it's going to happen and you will miss it'
  17. You don't have to delete your AV, just disable it/turn it off.
  18. Yes, there have recently been authentication server issues with minecraft.net. also, so you know. The newest 64 bit java version is java 6 and java 7.
  19. Use the search function of the forum. Which windows are you using, the latest of which java version, that is not a log, that is the title of the file.
  20. Are you running the correct version of java for your os?
  21. That's because it is java. You need to delete your .techniclauncher folder
  22. Yes that is a log. Please read the forum stickies so you understand more. You have an item id issue. Reinstall
  23. How many slots do you have? Last I knew, xp will only take up to 2gb per stick. And what is this 4gb from swap, I've never heard of that
  24. Ok, there may not be an error message, but please post the log! Use pastebin.com if it is very long.
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