I'm really confused as to why you think we've been sloppy with Attack of the B-Team?
When it comes to bugs, you can't say that we've done a bad job because of bugs found on release. Have you ever heard the term "many hands make light work" ? AotBT has been so popular that our download servers were brought down for the first time. There are a massive and I mean MASSIVE amount of people playing this pack now. More than any of our other packs to date. When that many people play in a sandbox environment you better believe they're going to find everything. I don't care who you are, you playtest a sandbox game with dozens of modders 3rd party additions and there are going to be lots of bugs and you are NOT going to be able to find them all. Adding over a million people to that sandbox means you're going to find significantly more.
That's just how it is. Nothing to do with our ability or work ethic. You can't judge us in that regard. Someone else releasing the same pack could be seen as more professional just because with less people playing it, less problems are uncovered, and it seems like there are less problems in general. If anything, this is only an indicator of how well we've done in our advertising and hyping of the pack and the mods we're showcasing.
If you really want to judge us on something, judge us on how we respond to problems with the pack post release. So far we've done several emergency patches fixing all the major issues found very quickly and cleanly. If you're dead set on comparing us to a for profit AAA studio like EA, try comparing us to their release of the new SimCity since it's much closer to a sandbox environment. That was a disaster for them on all fronts and they STILL haven't resolved many of the issues with it.
And with that matter aside, your second point is "balance". This is a subjective issue since it's largely a matter of opinion. So far you've only cited 1 example and offered no solutions. We've made this pack at the request of youtubers. It's a pack designed for them to have fun and do wild stuff in videos.
Please don't feel like I'm brushing you off, I am certainly not trying to, but I don't know what you would have us do? Remove bats? Remove the morph mod entirely? Heap in arbitrary 3rd party restrictions on becoming bats? It is literally one small aspect of much larger mods. There are no clean or nice solutions to the "issue" (remember, it's subjective that it's even an issue) We aren't going to remove content or heavily alter it just to change something small like this. That is up to the individual server owners if they personally feel that way.
And lastly I'd like to address your attitude, because I feel you are being very unjustly defensive. People were calling you out on the manner in which you presenting your arguments. I agree with them. You posted a thread asking if people agreed the pack was "boring" (unclear as to why since you didn't address the pack being boring in your OP). Then you said we had peaked at Hexxit and were now on a downslope. You cited personal preference reasons for this statement, gave exactly 1 example to justify it, then furthered it by granting our pack 1 out of 5 little stars and calling it a bad pack.
If you can't understand why people were criticising you, then I don't know what to tell you. You may just be too much of an internet person to be self aware.