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Cheap Shot

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Posts posted by Cheap Shot

  1. FTB would have been better off partnering with Technic pooling resources to compete with Curse. But, well...lol. I guess you can't dance with the devil you made.

    Very interesting way to put it. Very interesting.

  2. They were propably surprised when someone they approached actually turned them down. And I'm not sure but I guess the initial offer to FTB was propably the same, but now they were in the position were they couldn't just go away and leave, they actually had to negotiate and I don't see that deal as good for curse as they would have wished for. Exspecially if they actually signed any of the parts about 3rd parties being able to use their repo in the contracts.

    Surprised when we turned them down, yeah totally. They make their money by buying their way into things, and letting them fall to shit while they make money off ad clicks. We wouldn't agree to anything unless our whole team was involved and we were given compete control to work on things and do them properly like we know we can, with curse backing but not mucking things up with poor standards and bad practices. They found some people who cared more about the community and the quality of their product than money and got turned down. Shocking I know!

    Also, it isn't a matter of "we couldn't get this from these people so lets ask for less from the next guys." If you think curse wouldn't try to get everything then you don't know curse. Their MO is complete control. It was most likely more a matter of "what can FTB actually sell?"

    In the end you just can't blame people for reacting the way they are. We took that into consideration when curse approached us and said "this is how it has to be if you want it done right." And they weren't willing to operate like that. Their track record is incredibly poor and they are fully alright with poor quality services and cash grab operations. There are ample examples of this. Even their bread and butter services for WoW receive lots of flack. They may be good intentions on Slowpokes part. I do think the whole get paid while volunteers keep doing work thing is pretty gross and I don't like that he's been slinging mud at us trying to divert attention in the midst of intense criticism; But the idea of a mod repository that can handle being the communities hub is a good one and no one can fault him for that desire. We all want that. I only say that this isn't likely to be the way to achieve that. Curse wasn't willing to go the way to achieve that with us, because it's not their business model. Simple as that. The curse criticism probably wont stop because it's well earned. Your optimism is admirable but understand the circumstances and those involved. FTB has received criticism for being unable to deliver on promises and curse has received piles of criticism for their shady practices and disregard for the communities they buy into. You can't fault people for expressing their concerns with this development.

  3. Slowpoke I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish. I wish you'd give it a rest. Why do you think people should be mad at us exactly? People are mad at you for the things you're doing. Pointing at things we didn't do and going "ugh! look at them! so bad and greedy!" is such a hypocritical mess, and makes you look like you're just trying to shift the heat onto Technic. Why is it that every few months we find out you're slinging mud at us again? Why do we have to be the adults here?


    A valid concern, and one that seems to have not been fully explored if the negative and confused reactions by some modders in that reddit thread are any indication. If the modders aren't on board then this whole idea just flops. And I can imagine many would have strong scruples about putting their mods into curses hands to make money off of, even if curse does end up parting with a pittance of it for them. As a modder in the reddit thread said, their payouts for hosted mods in other games is dismal and apparently decreasing as curse expands.

    A mod repository would be excellent for the minecraft community, no question. The question is more about who will do a good job of it?

    Curse? No. Their reputation is horrible. They are here to try and beat mojang to the punch by promising their own repository in half the time and buying their way into the community. This is just business for them. Which is understandable, but business doesn't always = quality. Certainly it doesn't mean that when curse is involved, who are well known for caring about adclicks and profit before taking quality and customer satisfaction into account. Their reputation is atrocious and by their own admission their current services are terrible. They will rush to beat mojang to the punch and release their repository, and later down the line Mojang will release most likely a better one and their own API and we'll have the community split between a crappy annoying service, and Mojangs version which no one can guess how it will be. If a mod repository is to be attempted that isn't Mojangs, it would be best to be done inside the community with just the communities interests in mind. You can't have that with curse, and curse isn't worth the strings and baggage that come attached, and I think that's a crux of most peoples reaction to this news.

  4. I might just try it myself.

    EDIT: Decided not to, but did see some guy post the pic Cheap put up in response to slowpoke. This was of course removed again. I don't see how this is happening since slowpoke is not a moderator there according to the list. Could be working with one of the moderators, it's anyone's guess really.

    I didn't see it that time. Oh well. The internet always remembers.

  5. Looks like slowpoke has hellbanned him a few times. He keeps making new accounts to repost that post and slowpoke keeps taking them down. You guys should quote it to keep it up.

    I screen capped the whole area for posterity.


    If the guy can't play nice with us and wants to go back to slinging mud like a baby, he can deal with the backlash he gets from the community. HIS community no less.

  6. Or just plain labeling the ads. That's what makes them confusing to most people in the first place.

    (If that doesn't violate any terms of service or anything, of course.)

    Fairly certain it does. Most stuff like that violates their TOS and they shut you right down without a single word. Anyways locking this thread since we're already doing all we can. Thanks for suggestions and concern.

  7. Howdy all. Just moved to big dig from Tekkit. I really enjoy all the additional activities the modpack brings, and how it minimizes grinding. I am curious, is this modpack actively being updated? I noticed after building a failure of a nuclear reactor that the version even in 1.3.13 is outdated such that it's pretty broken.

    Are there any plans out there to do an update to the latest version of mods?



    Yes of course. Aldo don't sign your posts. Please read the forums rules before posting.

  8. This isn't actually an error message really. This is the message you get when you don't have a main directory anymore, or when it's your first time starting the launcher. If you delete or change the location of your .Technic folder the launcher will no longer know where to look for your packs. This is it asking you to make a new location, or if it's the first run, to pick a location. To get it to stop telling you to use an empty directory just make an empty folder named .Technic where you'd like to save your modpacks and tell it to use that folder. The folder has to be empty or it will refuse. This is to prevent you from accidentally installing modpacks into an important folder.

    If you still have your old .Technic folder, you can copy and paste all the files inside it into your new one.

  9. Well, I suppose that is a good thing and all, but I don't really know why that's here, on a forum for a modified version of the game available exclusively on the PC/Mac Platforms...

    But, Congrats I suppose?

    Because Cafe Lame is for general minecraft discussion dummy.

  10. Everyone except the forums moderators who will have several times more headache and work. Doubling the amount of server sections is not only double the territory Mods have to partrol, it's also much more confusion when it comes to approving server requests and making sure they're all in the correct sections. You're kidding yourselves if you think people will pick the right one when there's that many. We already have to deal with piles of missplaced threads. I wouldn't wish this solution on my moderation team. I won't wish it on people I don't even like.

    So I don't feel that it's going to be a reasonable solution.

  11. Ideally I'd rather have people send whitelist requests via pm instead of thread posts but it's too hard to get people to change their behavior. Even if we made it a rule we'd just be sending warnings to people forever. I'll read through this thread later and see if there's anything with merit. Im on my phone and enjoying the holidays

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