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Cheap Shot

Retired Staff
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Status Replies posted by Cheap Shot

  1. Hey Cheap Shot. Me and a few friends are making a series, but due to legal issues and crap I need to get your permission to use the logo for the opening. So, could I get your permission to use it and I can refer to this if I get any questions asked? Thanks!

  2. Yo, I totes just started a convo with ya.

  3. i have a really big question, can you add airships to tekkit? it would greatly expand the already great collaboration

  4. Hey i need help. I downloaded the technic launcher like around 10 times. And it doesnt open. Can someone help me out?

    1. Cheap Shot

      Cheap Shot

      Yes. And check Java's permissions. It's likely that your java isn't configured properly and doesn't know how to open the launcher. The common problems thread covers this.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey i need help. I downloaded the technic launcher like around 10 times. And it doesnt open. Can someone help me out?

  6. Hey i need help. I downloaded the technic launcher like around 10 times. And it doesnt open. Can someone help me out?

    1. Cheap Shot

      Cheap Shot

      After you downloaded it the 9th time did you stop and thing "hmm I bet the 10th time will be different!" The issue is with your computer not the launcher. Re-downloading it will do nothing. 90% likely that you have java improperly installed.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hey i need help. I downloaded the technic launcher like around 10 times. And it doesnt open. Can someone help me out?

  8. Opened the Page-Source and Page-Info of the Database error page, I came along this: "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.

    ". The Page-Info screen told me I had connected to the site 3984 times,, which doesn't make any sense.

  9. hey idk really how to use this site but i was trying to download the technic pack but it doesnt download. can u help me?

  10. How was your stint as an outcast?

  11. Cheap my friend I have one question for you

    How the hell are you so awesome!!!??

  12. Hey, I have been told I need to talk to you for permission to use the Tekkit logo as you designed it!

    I would like to use it in my YouTube series as part of a title screen.

    Please can you give me permission to use it please.


  13. Hi Kakermix. Another knackered Sky broadband guy here. Has anything been changed on the Technic site in the last week or so that would stop all UK sky broadband access? (eg moving to IPv6 or something?). Huge amount of people unable to access the site now. I am here via proxy but its appalling slow and I doubt most people know to do that. Thanks

  14. How do we get our server on Deluxe Servers? Any tips? How do we achieve success

  15. Can you 'unkeller' me (for lack of a better word), I received the Keller before the forum transition and have done nothing wrong since the post that I got keller'd for.

  16. I have no idea what position you people are, but Cheap Shot is having trouble helping me. I have only made one post before the recent couple weeks, but I swear I have been kellered since I started. I have not done ANYTHING to deserve that. Is my inactivity the reason?

  17. Can you please 'un keller' me? I have been kellered for months but I didn't do anything. Also, is there a way I can change my birthday?

  18. Can you please 'un keller' me? I have been kellered for months but I didn't do anything. Also, is there a way I can change my birthday?

  19. I'd like to report a white-listed server post, that requires further instillation of mods, which you said wasn't allowed in your following post, http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/server-posting-guidlines-read-here-on-how-to.3324/ . Please message me when you can and I will give you the server link....

  20. I am complete newbie to the forums how do u create a thread????

  21. There was a conflict with a mod on this forum and I do not wish to be part of it anymore. Could you delete my account please. No need to delete my post as I will always stand by them. Thanks!

  22. i cant even open tekkit i go to launcher and select tekkit then it begins download i get to 44% through a download and it crashes what a bunch of crap

  23. can you help my profile? its been hacked and now my account looks stupid....my pic cannot be switched. my side-title is hacked to be something random. and my birthdate has been hacked to where its saying my age is 112 when it was origonally 17 years old. can you fix the hack?

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