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Everything posted by Hokie

  1. Oh god this thread has degraded so fast. EzioA, quit being a lazy fuck.
  2. Check what video card you have, then Google "[video card name and type] drivers"
  3. Hokie

    NEI help

    Don't ever threadjack, and read the fucking Common Problems & Solutions topic in the bugs section.
  4. Have you tried updating your drivers?
  5. Oh wow, a bump after only a minute, that really makes me want to help you. Have you tried re-installing Tekkit?
  6. If I had come here earlier, I would've let you use the batch file I made.
  7. TastyNades, post this in the Tekkit bugs section, Darinbrine, don't threadjack.
  8. It's a simple fucking solution, click "update". Try reading for once, instead of making a shitty report for a question that's been answered dozens of times.
  9. Hokie


    Have you tried switching to normal view distance?
  10. Hokie


    Beware: The reason it's not 1.2.5 by default is because the modpack for it is still in development, so expect crashes and bugs and whatnot.
  11. You should probably go to the options in the Technic Launcher, and allocate more memory.
  12. If you can, do so, and test it. If it doesn't change anything, then I'm out of ideas.
  13. I mean, if your antivirus program has a firewall feature (Which I'm assuming it does), it may be interrupting the download in some way, but again, I'm not sure.
  14. It could be your antivirus' firewall, but I'm not sure.
  15. It might be your firewall that's causing the problem, but I haven't used Avast in years, so I'm not too sure.
  16. While I do find it kinda funny you don't know your own operating system, I will try and help; Could you tell us what virus protection program you use?
  17. Please don't bump just because no one's noticed your topic yet. At the moment the only solution I would have at the moment is to try on a virtual machine, but if you want a more permanent solution, I'm sure a mod would be happy to help.
  18. Hokie

    Tekkit :(

    A list of items isn't going to help anyone, pal.
  19. Well, for one, you can put this topic in the right forum, then you can try to use correct grammar like the rest of us.
  20. When I was like, 9, I accidentally got that shit they put in glowsticks in my mouth. Phenol is does not taste good.
  21. EE isn't in the devbuild at the moment, if you wish, you can go to options in the launcher, under the login button, and click the "Always use recommended builds" button, then you should be set.
  22. Hrm.. Does browsing Encyclopedia Dramatica count? I mean, there's some pretty odd shit you can find in in some corners there, though it's unfortunately mostly rape, murder, goatse, and everything you won't see on TV. It's like the manifestation of all the fuck on the internet. (But you all probably knew that already.)
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