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Everything posted by Adlersch

  1. The pack maker(s) are on hiatus at the moment due to school restraining what time they have, if I understand correctly. Wait for summer to roll around, and the (In my opinion) best modded texture pack will be updated.
  2. Some cynical bit of me thinks that they're not really bothering - they've already gotten the most of what they want out of the game. The best I can imagine is it being involved as a patch when the first DLC is launched. When they give the free patch, people will want to buy the DLC. But to me it's just a badly broken game made by a bad company, and that's what it'll stay.
  3. I think buckets would still be your best bet. If you can figure use the 2 x 2 water idea and implement it on a larger scale, you could start in one corner and make the pool large enough to work for you. Granted, your pool would have to be 1 block deep while you fill it, but then you could easily set up a quarry and watch it while it digs down a bit for you, stopping it when it has reached the desired depth.
  4. Left click - Destroy the plant and get a new seed bag. Right click - Harvest the plant without destroying it, and with time it will regrow. Come on, I don't even use IC2 farming and I know this. A cursory glance at the wiki would have solved your issue much, much more quickly.
  5. Instant teleports?! NO! This is yet another dupe glitch and it's the Technic Dev Team's fault!!! We need this fixed! Right now, ASAP people! I mean, what the hell do we pay you for?! It's been 15 seconds and it's still not fixed! My LoL game was interrupted for 15 seconds waiting for this to get fixed because of you! At least there isn't that damn banner over it anymore!! ...Alternatively, you could do some work and research yourself, and find your own solution for the issue. Then we could even post it on here somewhere, so others can 'get this fixed' with relative ease.
  6. The files from an always-open-source modpack, on a little webserver? That must mean it is the original! Alternatively, you could have just, I don't know, asked the admins about the history of the pack, considering they develop and have developed it. Edit: I'm also not downloading any of the files to check if what you have said about the images is true. As Maxis010 said, Trust level = 0.
  7. lubeb28 is banned for not wearing his PAINS belt properly.
  8. Bullfish don't survive well in deep waters (Industrial computer systems). Not to worry, this infestation is an isolated incident not unlike a duck nest.
  9. So that's where my pet bullfish escaped to! And an infestation too! It must have laid eggs. I'm sorry, but there is no hope for you now. Your computer and Minecraft account are permanently infested with bullfish. Their only natural enemy is the duck, and I wouldn't wish that fate upon my worst enemy!
  10. What is even the context of that drawing? Also, trust me, I'm worse at drawing and I'm even older. That, and I had to retype this because I keep typing dwaring instead of drawing.
  11. And it had such potential before it was neutered. Still, I wonder if EA's new CEO will help lead them away from the whole short-term profits focus thing. If so, they may be able to turn around the whole "Evil gaming corporation" image. I mean, they won't fix how I see them, but hey, they might convince others.
  12. I'll have a pint of your finest ale. Also, having booze concoctions that have very negative effects (Too high of a proof = poison or wither effect), and some that can kill you instantly would be cool. It'd add a bit of realism to it for me.
  13. Sev should be a moderator because he posts most often in this thread. That and he uses plenty of gray.
  14. Hey pal, it'd probably be a good idea to read these. And these. Y'know, the sticky things at the top? One's even special for server owners!
  15. You all already know how the majority of the community* feels about what you do (They are grateful), but a reminder can't hurt once in a while, right? Personally just thought I'd toss in my thanks and say that what the development team does is something generous that few people would do in the team's place. Whether keeping the site working and up-to-date, the forums running and safe (Here's to the moderators too!), or working on the actual launcher things (Just generalizing. I'm too tired to be specific), what you all do is something I can get behind and is really why I stay on as a regular for this forum. I could keep explaining what you already know you do to you, but you know it. So for redundancy's sake I'm just gonna say, "Hey, thanks." You don't want your asses collectively kissed, I'd imagine. *Community referring to the regulars of this forum, not necessarily the hundreds of thousands (Probably more) of anonymous users, or 1-posters, or entitled idiots.
  16. Sev should be a mod because his avatar reminds me of a "Do not..." sign. I like restricting the freedom of others.
  17. I dumped Dr. Manhattan years ago. Plus, I'm on evildoing hiatus for a while since my wif- Err, cohort and I had our first minion last October. Any of Manhattan's notions of 'hooking up' are pure fantasy, I assure you. Edit: Also, this shall be my last post on this subject in this thread, I have no desire to resurrect the habit of derailing threads or be implicated in doing so.
  18. The only is the original, is it not? And actually, there have been imitators. I simply let them know that I am the mold from which they created themselves. They promptly found a new unique quirk from which they have become known.
  19. vitorsly is banned for portraying raccoons in a violent manner.
  20. planetguy should be banned for his down arrow on his avatar, for bringing me down.
  21. It is a problem blocking the launcher itself, yes? Then it is a launcher problem on these forums. In any case, Munaus has some solid advice. Norton is a bad antivirus, and some viruses are built specifically to exist within Norton. Avast is free, doesn't give (That I've seen) false positives like the Technic Launcher, and isn't so widely used that people are targeting Avast.
  22. Too bad mods aren't paid employees, they're volunteers, and this isn't a store. Oh and you didn't pay for Technic, or the ability to easily (Although not idiot-proof) build your own modpack. As for the rest, see my above post.
  23. Aren't they? This is the Technic Forums. We don't like self-entitled folks who think mods are supposed to be passive mothers to them, coddle them, and calm them down from their tantrums. If someone needs help and asks for it in an idiotic manner, or, dear goodness help me, demands it, we mock them until they learn to not be an ass or leave. It's an effective tool to keep the forums clean of those undesirables. Now, on to your question: Did anyone ask me? They didn't have to, since this was posted on a public thread in the forum. I'm perfectly allowed to throw in my two cents - if you have a problem with the way a moderator (Or anyone) behaves, and want to discuss it with them in private, we have private messages to ensure not everybody can read and respond to what you say.
  24. Tell us, then. How are mods supposed to act on this forum? Just asking, since you're an expert on how to run the Technic Forums and all.
  25. My avatar is the best, obviously. I am the original Techic Supervillain.
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