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Everything posted by Adlersch
Which error page opens when it launches? It's important to know.
Sorry, what? There are no 'sides.' We have permissions for most (If not all) mods now - our administration is working on relationships with the modders and it has improved so drastically some modders are now considering unique support for the Technic Pack - other modders got into it because of the Technic Pack. And even if there were 'sides,' I'm sorry, but anyone who looks at it that way to begin with is unanimously an asshat who 'takes the other side' immediately. If you want to know the real truth, we have an archived thread somewhere where we all had a civil sitdown with a modder or two and slowpoke. That's my evidence for everything I've said here, and I can't be bothered to cite it becuase 1) You're a big boy/girl, you can find it yourself and I'm fucking tired, grouchy, and lazy. Other than that, I'd like to tell you as much as I know: We have what permissions we have right now. The Technic devs are working with modders to improve things and get a strong camaraderie going. Things are supposedly going very well, although I really haven't bothered to keep up-to-date simply because I don't care.
Me too. Then I opened my eyes and took off my bedtime earmuffs. It's so much better now!
I see the reference here. Classic RuneScape reference, I see it.
He means you wrote it so absolutely terribly that it is unreadable. And apparently he did the same with his post. :s Otherwise, can't we all just get along and enjoy something pure?
In related news, if you don't want to destroy time-space, or don't relish the idea of worshiping Grisk, you should probably post a bug report in the relevant section.
Gender: [X]Man [ ]Woman How old are you? 20 Do you have a PC or Mac? [X]PC [ ]Mac What kinds of games do you like? [ ]Action [ ]Shooters [ ]RPG [ ]Horror [ ]Sandbox [ ]Simulators [ ]2D [ ]Strategy [X]All of the Above Are you currently playing any games on a regular basis? [X]Yes [ ]No Name 2 games you like the most. Planetside 2 TES V: Skyrim How many hours do you spend daily in front of the computer? [ ]none [X]1-2 hrs [ ]3-5 hrs [ ]5-8 hrs [ ]more than 8 hrs Do you consider yourself to be addicted to the computer? [ ]Yes [X]No What do you like best about a game? As Jay? said, it depends on the genre. I like chaotic, fast-paced action in a 2D sidescroller, but I need a good story in an RPG or I have to write my own. In an FPS I need action and some way to tell what I'm doing actually matters - plus the ability to communicate with others. In fact, in all multiplayer games I need VOIP.
And that, folks, is why a comma is so very important.
Hey, hey, hey, hey... Hey. Woah man. Slow down. We only deliberately piss off people who are asses to begin with. Any pissing off of people otherwise is merely a hilarious side effect.
1. Best new nickname ever. 2. Do I never get noticed anymore? T_T
"I did (x) before it was cool" is the most classic hipster line I have ever heard - dating back beyond the existence of hipsters.
Hipster references aside, I read those books before they were cool. And I fucking hated the ending. *SPOILER ALERT* *QUIT FUCKING READING IT'S A SPOILER* *I WARNED YOU* Katniss should have ended up with Gale. He was the character I identified with, and he basically disappears with no happy ending - in fact, nobody really gets a happy ending. That made me so furious. *YOUR OWN FAULT, JACKASS*
Here's a hint: This sticky, right here, can help you. Just remember, this thread can fix 90% of the problems to do with Technic/Tekkit. Remember, this little stickied thread can help us all fix things quickly and easily. Not to mention this.
I'm not really picky - I've never dabbled in Railcraft anyways, although with my SSP base being atop the tallest mountain in an Extreme Hills biome, I've been very seriously considering building a transportation system both for myself and for the resources I collect. But I'll wait until the next update for that. :)
I like you alot a lot already. I can tell we're going to get along just fine. Dear Guthix do you not know how to read your own threads or are you just being a dickbag to Greenwolf? It's not as if he has to answer to you and I'm pretty sure being a total dick to people who have helped you and/or try to help you isn't the best way to get help in the future - from anyone on this board.
Hence why anti-EE people might like it. From what I've seen, the only thing you can do is transmute current items, not create anything from sunlight and whatnot. Plus I also saw deficiency percentages, which might help their realism 'you always lose energy' complex. However I haven't seen any limitations on the spells whatsoever, which may just ruin the whole mod for them - unless they disable 'OP' spells.
Pssh, you kidding? Vanilla-wise, I'd get both. ED-E and Boone were my all-time favorite companions (Boone kicked so much ass. So much.), not to mention they each had a deep background story/quest. Boone's was especially awesome, since you couldn't discover it if you were a dickbag and it puts perspective on everything he does - plus how much closer he gets to your character in terms of friendship really gives life to the character. I'd wager he's my favorite in-game NPC of all time. ...Anyways, yeah. ED-E, Boone, can't go wrong with either, can't go wrong with both.
This looks like a combination of EE and Thaumcraft in a strange way - I actually kind of like it, and I'd be willing to give it a whirl. Hey, maybe even anti-EE people will like it too!
Munaus, account or not I still hold the same respect for you - worry not. My extra sarcasm tag was actually because I was trying to be doubly sarcastic so the folks with broken detectors would be able to see with the naked eye. Alas, I forgot the extra first sarcasm tag. :(
I wear a trenchcoat with matching fedora, gloves, slacks, bulletproof vest (Under the trenchcoat) and dress shoes regardless of the weather, time, date, current company, or activity. It's all or nothing - unless someone somehow steals or ruins one of the pieces. Then I'm angry. ...And you thought the green Hulk was bad when he was angry...
From what I've heard, they don't. I think it's for the best anyways. If you find yourself with a Keller status, maybe it's time to do some reflection and see which mistakes you've made - follow the trail of warnings until you come to the revelation that you're an idiot and you need to improve yourself for the future. Besides, it would put everything in context for the user, like, hey, I was a total dickbag here. I didn't mean to... I just so fired up - I need to learn for the future, as opposed to, oh, I was a dickbag huh? Where? Show me you jackass mod! U don evn kno how 2 mod!!@! Y do u h8 mi?!????!?!!?
Nah, solving it for himself or - dear Guthix, please no - experimenting and finding out would be too hard! It's not as if half the point of Technic/Tekkit is to find a setup that you yourself invented that is efficient, cheap, and powerful. He'll do great once he gets started on that, and experimenting for himself. He's demonstrated that here. [/sarcasm]
Oh dear Guthix no. I thought we already condemned this in another thread.
Not to mention you could just do a quick forum search as opposed to posting this in the wrong area with a question that we've answered before - presumably in revenge for making you so 'miffed.' I mean, how dare we make users research something and help others (Proving that they indeed can look things up themselves) before having everyone post whatever shit they want! The nerve of us for expecting people to learn to solve their own problems like in real life... I'll try to call Kakermix and tell him to stop going around the world in his yacht bought from stolen adf.ly pennies and demand that we change our ways! I swear to you, even if I'm banned for standing up for you, this system which clearly works shall crumble!