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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. Update your Java to version 7
  2. No one can help you when you give almost no info. Those sections are there for a reason...
  3. Logs? They are the most important piece of info EDIT: Browser fail = Ninja
  4. Update your Java to version 6
  5. What Java version do you have? What Launcher version do you have? Where is the rest of the log?
  6. Still curious as to what I did wrong... I agree with Jay? on the getoutfrog though. that one is awesome...
  7. Try downgrading your Java. If that doesn't work find the log. There is always one if the launcher starts up
  8. Read the stickys to learn how to find a log. Try tuning off your Antivirus and firewalls and redownloading
  9. You should post a bug report. That way we have all of the important info to help you.
  10. Quotation of the day: "It is the most fun you can have with lasers without a cat!" That thing is so cool though. I want to know how it works...
  11. If your computer has 8 gigs of ram, why would you want to use almost all of it for minecraft. IIRC, reducing that number usually leads to better performance.
  12. Nuts are not a fan of my girlfriend... They try to kill her every time they meet!
  13. I think it would be a good idea to post this in the suggestions place... Please let me know if this would be nice, i really want this post to be in it :)
  14. Mmmmm... Brownies sound good... what would you recommend aside from the stuffing (you already gave me that recipe )
  15. I actually just made roast beef and yorkshire pudding for my GF and her family
  16. What does that have to do with anything?
  17. Try downgrading your Java to version 6
  18. Dude, there is an edit button for that exact reason... And if your have a bug, make you own thread about it...
  19. Jorcer

    Tekkit crash

    You have every single launcher version!? Well that is your issue you should only have one.
  20. Actually Norton is notorious for false positives and is known to be less secure than many other (free) antiviruses. Turning off you Antivirues only leaves you open to viruses if you download files you don't trust while it is down. And even then it may not catch all of them. As for downgrading java. That is a terrible idea. While it may temporarily solve the issue, it will almost certainly cause many more issues that it solves.
  21. There is an edit button BTW. Read the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS sticky. It tells you where to find your log.
  22. Jorcer

    Update Failed

    Try turning off McAfee and redownloading
  23. What is the version number of your launcher? What Java version do you have? Can you post a log?
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