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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. Ahhh!! Zombie run! That was posted in September. I have no clue what version works now... I would suggest you just test it yourself. Seeing as it hasn't been updated, I would assume it is still the version below the recommended version,
  2. ...if you already have a post about it why are you posting this here? That isn't helpful at all. OP: Could you try to post the log please?
  3. That isn't your launcher version, your Java version or your AV. Without actual info (like an error log, your OS bit, your LAUNCHER version [not Minecraft version], and actual Java version and your antivirus) we cannot help you at all.
  4. This would be better suited in the Tekkit bug boards. If I may however, before you post a bug report, try to make sure you have all of the necessary info (Java Version is very important along with an Error log)
  5. Tip 1: Don;t post your email on the internet like that (You will end up with a lot of spam) Tip 2: There is a place for this Tip 2b: This isn't it Tip 2c: THIS is
  6. You forgot about this:
  7. I have a feeling this guy would spend most of his time spell checking his code rather than writing it...
  8. What the hell are you trying to say? Try using english/proper spelling.
  9. Turn off AVG and redownload.
  10. Downgrade Java to version 6
  11. Holy coincidence Batkaker! I was just looking at that. Though the forum doesn't bode well, I tend not to put too much stock in Steam forums (they just aren't moderated as well as these ones ) I find it interesting that all of the reviewers failed to mention Minecraft... They got all three major FPS but no Minecraft.
  12. Commando? Also, the issue has been solved... I doubt your response solved it more.
  13. It means you should post your own bug report. That way we get all of the info we need to help you and the OP gets the help he deserves in his thread.
  14. Jorcer


    Is this a suggestion? If so there is a place for this (and this isn't it)
  15. Duh! he "chance[d] them"
  16. Downgrade Java to version 6. Also, you should take a look at the rules.
  17. Can you actually fill out the report please? Newest isn't a version and the newest one isn't a Java version. Also, we really need a log to be of much help.
  18. I seem to remember you mentioning a Planteside 2 outfit... Any news on that?

    1. Jorcer
    2. The_DarthMoogle


      There is many news. Check the arcade.

    3. Jorcer


      Ahh great thanks

  19. That is just his IP address that the site turned into an email I think...
  20. Whoa! A PAINS match and early de-kellerism! It really is Christmas

  21. Ahhh Zombie Necro Pirate!!! Run! :siren:
  22. Protip, don't quote the spam...
  23. Then you should try posting a bug report. That gives us all of the important info that we need to help you and ensures that the OP of this thread gets the help he deserves.
  24. ...Just going to back away slowly...
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