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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. Jorcer

    Help with Mods

    There is a post about this already. Use the search bar
  2. The other two were members from a while ago and I haven't seen either one for a while. I will see if I can find their profiles.
  3. That is really good!. I love the eyes. I have seen a few (3) people around here with blinking eyes and they all look really intriguing. You madam, are very talented.
  4. http://bit.ly/VSlGLd
  5. There is no such thing as a premium account for Minecraft. That would assume you can play the full game for free legitimately. (Trial versions don't count). That is not the case. You just need to own the game. Pedantic I know, but the whole "premium" thing has been bothering me.
  6. Turn off AVG and redownload
  7. Could you post a log?
  8. Thank god! I hate it when I make macaroni and cheese for someone and they turn around and douse it in ketchup. Why bother making it from scratch if you are going to cover it in ketchup? Just have KD. Also, thanks to you, I have gone out and bought all of the necessary ingredients and will be enjoying mac and cheese tonight.
  9. The moderators need to review the server post. If it meets the criteria, it will be approved and it will become visible. If it doesn't they delete it. They don't need your permission nor do they notify you.
  10. Damn it you're making me hungry! All I have is KD and now it won't taste nearly as good :argh:
  11. ...None of that is in the least bit helpful. Please update your post with actual information so we can help you.
  12. This is how I spend almost every day...
  13. Well then... this is entertaining. Also, happy birthday freak.
  14. Minecraft... You need to own Minecraft
  15. Buy the game and don't necro posts from June
  16. Problem: Unknown (Just like all of the info we NEED to help you) If you want help, use google to find that info out and post a log.
  17. Turn off your AV and redownload
  18. I'm not going to download your log. Just use pastebin.com to post it and put the link here
  19. I think Simpl. Gay may be a sleeper agent for them!
  20. Just an old mp3?
  21. Update your Java
  22. Read the sticky your issue is likely answered in there. If the problem persists, post a log. No make your own thread if you want help.
  23. Jorcer

    Jave error

    Wrong Log. Read the sticky and it will tell you where to find the correct log
  24. I'm sorry but they do work and you are in the wrong place. In single player, the nether/overworld unloads when you leave. Doesn't matter if you have a world anchor it will still unload.
  25. Then post your own bug report. that way, you give us important info we need to help you!
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