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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. Could you post a log? Also, what Java version do you have and what launcher version?
  2. Downgrade your Java to version 6
  3. Wait, what happens if one is put on the naughty list?
  4. Why would you threadjack this post instead of making your own?
  5. I vote for number 2,3,4 and 5 as well.
  6. You gave so much helpful info! Oh no wait the opposite of that... Those sections are there for a reason we can't help you unless you actually take the time to fill them out properly.
  7. Turn off Norton and redownload.
  8. Try uninstalling Norton? If that fails, try to find and post a log.
  9. Adding info is helpful, but if you have a similar problem, posting your own bug report gives us important info and lets the OP get the personalised help he deserves.
  10. Change whatever item has the ID of 109 to an open ID
  11. Why would you post a log and bug report here? Post your own thread...
  12. Without a log or any actual info we can't really help. You are missing you Launcher version, the bit version of your OS, the full Java version and bit of your Java, your antivirus/firewalls and a log.
  13. Turn off AVG, redownload. If that doesn't work, be patient as it might be caused by the recent Minecraft update.
  14. I may need to leave the internet! This is surly the most audacious poster ever.
  15. What the hell is this? :wtc:
  16. That isn't comforting at all.
  17. I really hope he meant packet because I am sure there is something called a "package handler" and I don't want to meet one...
  18. Go into your config files and change the block id of whatever that error tells you to an open id.
  19. Both of you would be more likely to get help if you posted your own bug reports.
  20. It could also be an issue with the recent Minecraft update. If the above solutions fail, just be patient.
  21. Yes, the Yogbox (AFAIK) Was never updated to a stable 1.2.5 build
  22. The Yogbox is no longer supported here.
  23. ...Read the stickies please. Turn off Norton and redownload.
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