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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. Just change the files name to whatever.jar instead of whatever.zip
  2. If your launcher is encountering this error, a solution is to download the .jar file from http://www.technicpack.net/download/ (pick the third from the left (Linux/Jar)). If you are using Internet Explorer you will also need to change the file extension (the ending of the file) to .jar instead of .zip. Once you’ve done that, all you need to do is double-click on the file to run the launcher.
  3. ... How do they fuck that up? Did they forget or did they not have the other stuff?
  4. There are plenty of Tekkiters who are contributing on the FTB forums (Bride is a great example).
  5. Damned opportunity costs. That is a very good point though, I never thought of it that way...
  6. Hey its that one guy who said to reinstall Java. I actually meant you should double check to ensure you have the correct Java and reinstall the launcher. Like Bride said try a reinstall and if that doesn't work post here.
  7. I know, just moderating my speech to sound less commanding ;)
  8. How long do top of the line (not quite bleeding edge) last for before they start to "show their age"?
  9. Almost missed that last bit (though I knew it was sarcasm before)
  10. This. I enjoy both packs. I don't care for slowpoke, but I do enjoy using the FTB launcher and Technic Launcher.
  11. I wish all spam bots were that considerate. Eh?
  12. That is an expensive computer....
  13. Do you have any antiviruses? We need a log to be of much help.
  14. Was a link removed or did he really just give us advanced warning that he was going to spam?
  15. Pretty sure that is Russian. (That is what Chrome thought it was)
  16. Such a lucrative profession.
  17. Turn off Norton and redownload.
  18. Jorcer


    To fix this error, you need to post a bug report.
  19. The auto translate feature on Chrome made this very funny to read.
  20. Yep, there has been quite a few issues for Turkish people (that and I am psychic ). I believe changing your language to English should fix the problem... There might be a more detailed solution somewhere on these forums.
  21. This is probably the most intelligible spam I have seen around here.
  22. If you can afford/have the ability to do that though, why not?
  23. Now it is just me :( Wonder why you got unkellered early...

  24. You may want to take a gander at the rules there friend...
  25. Hmmm... odd. I have never seen anything like this. I will do some searching to see if I or anyone else can find similar problems/solutions.
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