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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. That isn't the right log, could you post the correct one (read the sticky if you don't know how). Do you have an AV or firewall?
  2. Using the jar file is not really a temporary solution... It works fine. All the exe does is launch the jar file so you don't miss out on anything. Also, if double clicking doesn't work, you just need to right click --> Open With... --> Java
  3. The launcher should work fine with Kaspersky on as long as you have downloaded the mod pack with it off.
  4. I like that you say not to start a flame war right after spouting the same shit that starts them. Honestly, give it up guys, if you don't like it don't use it. All of this has been addressed numerous times in other places. Everytime, those threads have been locked.
  5. It really depends on how you define free roam. I don't think I would consider WoW free roam. You seem to be going on size, whereas I would usually take freedom into account(Skyrim is very free, Minecraft, etc.)
  6. Turn off Norton and redownload
  7. If your launcher is encountering this error, a solution is to download the .jar file from http://www.technicpack.net/download/ (pick the third from the left (Linux/Jar)). If you are using Internet Explorer you will also need to change the file extension (the ending of the file) to .jar instead of .zip. Once you’ve done that, all you need to do is double-click on the file to run the launcher. If that didn't work, turn off AVG and redownload.
  8. Info: ????? Useful Things (any type): idk Amount of Help Available: ???? Like im not kidding its just like we cant help you without any info! please help the OP didn't fill out anything but he is still getting mad at me for not helping!21gsafd!34 Those headers are there for a reason. Use them.
  9. Turn off Norton and redownload
  10. :wtc: What is going on over here?
  11. Locations are allowed and sigs aren't because they clutter up the place. I am very happy they don't allow sigs.
  12. See bolded text
  13. Do you own the game? Have you turned off your AV and redownloaded
  14. Your friend hit you IRL and it broke your launcher? What? Turn off AVG and redownload.
  15. You have Java 7. Search these forums for a guide on how to rollback to Java 6 for Mac.
  16. The mods aren't here to help you. They are here to punish you if you break the rules. They tend to be very nice and often help, but that isn't their job. Do you own the game?
  17. The only way to remove mods is to either delete them from the mods folder or (in the case of larger mods) remove them from the modpack.jar. Some of the mods in the pack need to be applied directly to the modpack.jar, which means that, to turn them off, you need to remove the files manually. The files can be found in .techniclauncher\MODPACKNAME\bin\modpack.jar. You will need to look up the mod you want to disable and remove the files that that mod modifies.
  18. Jorcer

    Logo Stuck

    Turn off your Av and firewalls and redownload.
  19. Update your Java, turn off Antiviruses and Firewalls and redownload.
  20. Wen tha modd gona b dun!? I wait for like 500000 hours already! Hurry up!

    1. GreenWolf13


      8 days left until initial release.

    2. Mooseman9


      Man, I need my fill man, or I'm gonna do something, man. ITS GONNA BE CRAZY, MAN!

    3. GreenWolf13


      Hope you're okay with untextured items and blocks. The texture artists have been AWOL.

  21. ...What? The launcher for the server is the same as for Technic. Once you set up the server, all you need to do is go into the launcher and start Tekkit.
  22. i laughed at the copyright, but the tool sounds useful if it is legit.
  23. What bit is your OS and Java?
  24. Downgrade Java to Java 6 (from Apple)
  25. Downgrade your Java to version 6 (from Apple)
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