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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. What AV are you using and what version is your java (and what bit is your OS)? Also, we could use a log...
  2. whew sorry I'm late guys... I head someone has a legit account that hasn't been hacked yet!? Lets see if I can fix that. For now... :devil:
  3. Here is a great resource that I use all the time when I need to know how to build an airship in Tekkit: http://bit.ly/UU8o3U Just click that and you will have hours of video.
  4. Update your launcher and if that didn't work, post a bug report.
  5. From the sounds of it, this mod will be harder to use (with regards to making items) than Thaum or EE. It also sounds like the really high value and really low value items won't be able to be created. EDIT: The forums (http://magecraft.boards.net/index.cgi) usually have the most updated info about the mod and the development of the mod. Green also posted a list of features he is thinking of adding over there so check it out!
  6. That is why it made me happy, because I knew what you were getting at.
  7. The devs likely just fixed the error with the files.
  8. Yet the log still thinks you have Java 7 which is very odd... Make sure you only have on copy of Java.
  9. I had that issue a while back. I don't remember what I did to fix it but I do know that it only happens when you create a world, delete it immediately and make a new one. If I find the solution I will post it here.
  10. the downgrade didn't work. That log says you still have Java 7
  11. The exe is what you download from this site. That download works fine (I just checked). It is not the exe that is the issue, it is the files that the exe is attempting to retrieve. Even if you used my exe, you wouldn't be able to download the files because they don't exist/are broken
  12. Could you post a log? Also, to be clear, you are able to get into the launcher, but when you close it and go into it again, it crashes? Is this happening when you try to create a new world?
  13. Unfortunately, it sounds like there is an issue with the launcher. It was likely caused by the recent release of Minecraft 1.4.5. It would appear it is just a waiting game now. Sorry. If I think of anything/hear of a fix, I will post it here for you.
  14. If I gave you the exe, you still wouldn't be able to download the mod packs. The exe just starts the launcher which then access the Technic servers to find the files and downloads them (that is where the issue is). What you really are asking for is the .techniclauncher folder (that is the files that the launcher tries to download, but distributing that would violate both the Mojang TOS and the rules of the site.
  15. That would distribute the minecraft.jar file, which is against Mojang TOS and the rules of the site. I am not trying to start an argument regarding legality just pointing out those facts.
  16. ... If it has been happening for two years, the problem is most assuredly on your end. Seeing as you have a very outdated launcher I will ask this though I fear I know the answer: Do you own the game?
  17. Unfortunately, it sounds like there is an issue with the launcher. It was likely caused by the recent release of Minecraft 1.4.5. It would appear it is just a waiting game now. Sorry. If I think of anything/hear of a fix, I will post it here for you.
  18. Unfortunately, it sounds like there is an issue with the launcher. It was likely caused by the recent release of Minecraft 1.4.5. It would appear it is just a waiting game now. Sorry. If I think of anything/hear of a fix, I will post it here for you.
  19. Unfortunately, it sounds like there is an issue with the launcher. It was likely caused by the recent release of Minecraft 1.4.5. It would appear it is just a waiting game now. Sorry. If I think of anything/hear of a fix, I will post it here for you.
  20. Surely you are not so ignorant that you think that every single problem on this site is caused by that. While it is very possible that the issue is the one you and others are experiencing, the update failed issue can also be caused by having Norton or other troublesome AV blocking the download and having the incorrect java version. I fail to see the issue with dispensing completely viable help before simply saying, nope you are SOL.
  21. And that is the only java that is downloaded?
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