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Everything posted by bastrian

  1. bastrian I play already on you Voltz server As stated above U know me claw
  2. Re: [3.0.4] Clean install server unreachable and unresponsive at console Thes Conflicts are normal, remember that Tekkit 3.0.4 is still not a "reccomendet Build". So it's normal to get errors and other wired stuff. Did u checked the Firewall (iptables)? What version of OpenJDK did u installed? Reccomendet is openJDK7 for Tekkit (rep. name: openjdk-7-jre).
  3. dedicated rented host with windows 7? Really? -_-
  4. Some Players on my server reported the issue too. I regenerated the map but it seems not serverside. I think that something is wrong with Optifine or whatelse is in tekkit.
  5. [noob on] cannot find it under steam too. Cuz, i need this game! Anyone plays it, expect for me [noob off]
  6. I'm done putting together my test server. But thhere are some bugs that are mod releated. Should i post it here or in the mod specific forums? I used the bukkit versions of the client mods with the corrispondenting versions. For now 4 certain bugs and one that i need to confirm. Thes new chunk loading blocks "World Anchor" are the biggest trouble. When using the World Anchor in minecarts the server freeze after 2-3 minutes whitout error output on the console. Well, it's highly experimental but it's already interesting
  7. [Noob On] pls help, my players on the server quits saying that they go playing "Reallive". What the hek is reallive???? [Noob off]
  8. Just setup my own 1.2.5 server and i noticed that there are some heavy bugs in craftbukkit+railcraft. And then the ID conficts between Buildcraft and the rest of the universe is just crazy. The Techic team is doing a good Job putting anything together. But it would be great to know the current progress :)
  9. Use the search function for that next time http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,9593.0.html http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,10962.0.html
  10. This is not the support forum for bukkit plugins. This forum supports only Tekkit releated stuff. For Bukkit plugins please ask here: http://forums.bukkit.org/
  11. This is a know problem. It's not tekkit. The World generator have issues when you generate terrain too far away. This kind of area is called Badlands, and even vanilla servers generates strange stuff when in badlands. Effects when deep in Badlands: Heavy Server Lags, Map corruption, Plugin Crashes (Logblock, worldguard, worldedit as i know) and other wired stuff.
  12. We had this kind of problems too. The only solution was for us to remove Java memory limits and deny/disable chunk loading blocks. After we removed the Wireless redstone mod the lag was gone Completly.
  13. A Tekkit server normally consume 1100-1500 gb ram, but reccomendet is 2gb ram. Important is that the server is launched with specific parameters, for the rest it does not need a "special" tekkit hosting. Advice? Install the following fixes/Patches: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2804.0.html http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,4645.0.html http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,5663.0.html http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2834.0.html If you play only with you friends use whitelist, because there are alot of griefer around tekkit.
  14. Damn right! Cookie 1+ for you :)
  15. Check this: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2834.0.html
  16. One of our players connected a Tile Condenser to a wooden pipe and now the server crashes when the chunk is loaded. Relevant error: http://pastebin.com/LnHvPM4t Now the problem is that we cannot remove it to fix the problem. We tryed it with mcedit and right now we are trying it to remove it in the singleplayer mode. We had already in the past this kind of problem with Buildcraft/Equivalent Exchange and the solution our solution was too reset the map. But a permanent fix would be better. Launcher/pack Version: 2.1.1 Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R1 Version of Java: Java 6.31 Description of Problem: Incompatibility between Buildcraft and EE Error Messages: http://pastebin.com/LnHvPM4t Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/LnHvPM4t MfG bastrian
  17. bastrian


    I divide the space around the house in various "zones". Zone 1 ist the outer perimeter and Zone 5 is the house. First of all the house is far away from the spawn. In the area where i live i hide tesla coils randomly. Whitout proper proctection it's almost impossible to get around alive. Only one tunnel on bedrock high leads securly out of the area (Railcraft Highspeed rails). Zone 2 is a little bit different. I have one layer of grass and under the grass is 3blocks deph lava. Zone 3 is filled with tesla coils. Every 3 blocks a tesla coil. Zone 4 is simply a forrest thats surround the house. The house itself is located 3-4 blocks under the grass line and one block under the grass is a layer of personal chests. The Entire house is surrounded with personal chests, expect for the tunnel thats leads out. This system use a lot of EU constantly and takes a lot of work but i was never griefed.
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