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Everything posted by andrewdonshik

  1. Also, I only have one ticket, so unfortunately we can only do one mission. That's actually somewhat stupid. I need to buy 3 tickets to get a botkiller? :(
  2. Um, what? Technic is the only group doing any innovating.
  3. Whole thing. Probably on Friday.
  4. Awesome. Just as a reminder to people, tickets are only 99 cents!
  5. Alright, since the founder of scrap.tf generously gave me a mann up ticket, and I was playing with them last night, but had to quit, I've been wanting to do the Mecha Engine tour. Here's the issue. Playing with randoms is going to get me nowhere. So, if anyone wants to join me in this, you must have a mann up ticket. Post your name, steam community link, and class played in the bottom, and I'll add you to the list. Slots left: 1. theaeon (me) - Soldier Lethosos [DVS] - Engineer/Heavy/Demo The-Fire-Guy (Kocken926) - Scout/Pyro/Demo Steroy - Demo Valkon - Soldier/Engineer/Demoman/Medic/Scout/Heavy
  6. Hello, I exist. I'm called the server owner around these parts and I run windows.
  7. Username: andrewdonshik Age: 13 Why Tekkitopia? I've been looking for a smallish non-griefing server, so that I can take w break from the full on anarchy of my server. I also think I will fit in well, as if you ask some of the regulars of this forum, they will say I am mature. Your secret code:13and
  8. I accidentally deleted your forum account/Ysharma did. Reregister. Also, the server is down for the moment, and from what I know, platform is having issues.
  9. That is amazing. Totally worth a software migration, now if only xenforo didn't cost money.
  10. Well, the blog domain. And I seriously fucked up the diamond spawn rate, so diamonds are OP, and iron is UP.
  11. Gimme a couple of days. I'm going to temporary route it through my family's old blog.
  12. Ah. Whoops, sorry. Seems like mybb and phpbb are very compatible. ... Apparently we're going to need to update php in the near future.
  13. I don't seem to have access to the admin cp. only the mod cp.. Can you fix that?
  14. By the way, I'm not on a break of sorts. My vacations don't tend to coincide with breaks.
  15. I accidentally deleted/sharma deleted a few forum accounts. Once we get the spam issue sorted, you'll be able to reregister. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. Woah. Do we have a captcha? Can we get some kind of anti spam? Proceed with the mass banning. Edit: Close sign up as well. No one should apply yet anyway. New domain is GOING to be tbr.donshikfamily.com, most likely temporary.
  17. I don't actually have a server package to distribute. I have the server, and I push new mods by themselves, instead of a package. It's not that hard to compile.
  18. Wasn't talking to you. Open your tekkit world folder. Rename DIM1 to world_nether. Rename DIM_1 to world_the_end (I think). Place world, world_nether and world_the_end in your server directory.
  19. You look and have the grammar of a six or seven year old. I really don't think a forum is a good place for you..
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